Volume 128/Issue 2

Apr 07, 2015 21:55

Volume 128/Issue 2

Circulation: One thousand two hundred and seven. Welcome all!

Note from the Mods: Please encourage friends on your friends list to join and send their news. If you have an announcement you would like to make, a fic you'd like to promote, a question you'd like to ask, we invite you to simply format it according to the rules on the info page and email it to middle_earth_news@yahoo.com. You do not have to be a member to post but we are an open community and encourage everyone to join now. Only the mods may initiate new posts but comments are encouraged.


From The Mary Sue: They Are No Men: Tolkien’s 6 Most Bad-Ass Forgotten Ladies
J.R.R. Tolkien isn’t exactly known for his “strong female characters.” Despite Éowyn’s memorable moment of triumph, the fact remains that The Hobbit doesn’t have a single female character (other than a brief mention of Belladonna Took), and The Lord of the Rings fares little better - I can think of five named women who appear in the entire series.
Nonetheless, the relative absence of women in Tolkien’s better-known works does not mean he never wrote any. Tolkien’s wider mythology, as published in The Silmarillion and Unfinished Tales, contains a number of memorable female characters that, outside of a small community of aficionados, all too often go unmentioned. [Read more]
From NPR News: Literary mysteries: Did Tolkien really create entire languages for his books?
The question: Did J.R.R. Tolkien really create entire languages for his novels?
That's Quenya for "yes."
Quenya is just one of the dozens of languages Tolkien dreamed up for the inhabitants of Middle Earth. Technically, it's part of the Elvish language family, which has over 15 different languages and dialects within it. [Read more]
COMMUNITY NEWS: Note from the Mods: We would like to invite the moderators of other fandom communities to become 'reporters' or 'scouts' for middleearthnews. All we ask is that you send us formatted updates on your own communities for posting here.

* tolkien_weekly (drabbles) updates:
Carpenter Maybes (Estel, OFC; rated G) by kortirion
* hobbitfilmfic updates:

* b2mem updates:
Code Red: A Grey Matter, part 1a (Aredhel, Eöl, Lúthien, Galadriel, Egalmoth, Idril, Meleth, Wilówë (OC), Morispiní (OC), Nellas, Telchar, six dwarf OCs, and Amras; rated Teens) by broadbeam
Code Red: A Grey Matter, part 1b (Aredhel, Eöl, Lúthien, Galadriel, Egalmoth, Idril, Meleth, Wilówë (OC), Morispiní (OC), Nellas, Telchar, six dwarf OCs, and Amras; rated Teens) by broadbeam
Red... (Caranthir, Aegnor; rated Teens) by mujun_no_ageha
A Bear There Was, A Bear, A Bear (OCs, Imin, Iminyë; rated Teens) by huinare
Sink or Swim (Frodo, Sam; rated G) by dreamflower02
A Portrait of a Prince (Aragorn, Arwen, Eldarion, OMC, OFC; rated G) by lindahoyland
and the sky above is blue (Aredhel, Elenwë; rated Adult) by astris_eldalie
Five times Gandalf stopped at Bree (Barliman, Gandalf; rated PG) by talullahred
Where Time Can Never Heal (Maedhros, Maglor; rated Adult) by starbrow
Sam's Arrival in the Wes (Samwise Gamgee, Lady Yavanna, Lord Ulmo, OFC (borrowed from Dreamflower, this is meant to be a companion to 'Ancestress'; no rating given) by kayleelupin
In each place and forever (Fingon, Fingolfin, Maedhros; rated Teens) by fadesintothewes
From The Wrack And Ruin (Fingon, Gil-galad, Fingolfin, Maedhros; rated Adult) by starbrow
Fanart: Celebrían leaving Rivendell (Celebrian; rated G) by bunn
Save One Good Thing (Fingon, Gil-galad, Fingolfin; rated PG-13) by starbrow
In The Planting Season (Fingon, Gil-galad, OCs; rated PG-13) by starbrow
Still In the Closet (Fingon, Maedhros, Original Character; rated PG-13) by starbrow
In Flame of Swords (Fingon, Gothmog, Mandos, Original Characters; rated Mature) by starbrow
Angandil's Strange Evening (OCs, Saruman, Nazgûl; rated PG) by huinare
CHALLENGES/WORKSHOPS/AWARDS: The current challenge at tolkien_weekly is Unsung Heroes: Blacksmith or Farrier

From hobbit_kink:
RPF prompt post #3
Prompt post #18
FIC/ART NEWS: From lotricons:
April calendars by ladyithildiel

From Library of Moria, via talullahred: New fics
A Brother's Love, Part 4 by Dayast Joy
(Mature Audience, Elrond/Thranduil, Aragorn/Legolas, Elladan/Elrohir, Glorfindel/Elladan, Legolas gets wounded after a heart breaking conversation with Aragorn, and everyone has to struggle to hold on to hope. The brothers in this tale - those who were born brothers and those who choose to call another brother - will learn about the true nature of love form a surprising source: the formidable Thranduil.)

The Moon and the Lonely Star by Vevadin
(Mature Audience, Celeborn/Haldir, Past and present, what has been, and what will be.)
From AO3 - Archive of Our Own:
-- TOLKIEN J. R. R. - Works
-- Lord of the Rings - All Media Types
-- Lord of the Rings RPF -- The Hobbit - All Media Types
-- The Hobbit - Jackson movies
-- The Hobbit (2012) RPF
-- The Silmarillion and other histories of Middle-Earth - J. R. R. Tolkien
Middle-earth Conspiracy Theories
What was Azog really saying with his war banners atop Ravenhill?
CLASSIFIED: Your friendly middleearthnews mods are constantly on the lookout for all things LotR-related, from fics to fandom events, comics to current news. Make them happy by emailing them at middle_earth_news@yahoo.com.
RESEARCH AIDS:. From estelanui:
Riddle-Poems, and How to Make Them
Riddle-poems are a lot of fun. They're an amusing game for children and adults, a connection to history, and a way to approach poetry that avoids the conceit and self-indulgence that lays waste to so much of it.
TRIVIA: Friday's BOOK question: The old road that led to Moria from the west followed the course of which stream?
Answer: The Sirannon.

rakshi answered correctly.

Today's MOVIE question contributed by estelle3974: What part of the natural landscape is used to reflect the split personalities of Gollum and Smeagol?

All comments are screened so that only the mods can see the answers. Comments will be unscreened when the next edition is posted. Any comments on a different subject will be unscreened ASAP.
SEND MATHOMS: The mods would like to wish anyone having a special day the very best. Please send your special wishes to middle_earth_news@yahoo.com.
COMICS: (Link contributions are welcome)

From ROFLrazzi:

That's it for this edition. Please send your formatted post for Friday's edition by 8:00 a.m. (Eastern time) to middle_earth_news@yahoo.com. Thanks for joining us and tell your friends!
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