Volume 127/Issue 9

Mar 31, 2015 20:04

Volume 127/Issue 9

Circulation: One thousand two hundred and five. Welcome all!

Note from the Mods: Please encourage friends on your friends list to join and send their news. If you have an announcement you would like to make, a fic you'd like to promote, a question you'd like to ask, we invite you to simply format it according to the rules on the info page and email it to middle_earth_news@yahoo.com. You do not have to be a member to post but we are an open community and encourage everyone to join now. Only the mods may initiate new posts but comments are encouraged.


From TORn: DVD woes with The Battle of the Five Armies
Are you one of those who FINALLY got your copy of TBotFA on DVD only to have a colourless-faded-blotchy or muddied mess? There are some who have had that problem and are discussing it on The Hobbit Discussion Board right here. [Read more]
From GeekDad There's a Vulcan in My Tolkien
Last month I found myself spiraling down an internet hobbit hole. Leonard Nimoy had passed (LLAP), and I was surfing the web reminiscing about a man that was aptly described in a tweet as “every geek’s grandfather.”
It was a tragic loss. The older I get, the more impact these deaths seem to have. I grew up with Spock, watching reruns of the original Trek after school, and the string of movies inspired by a relentless fanbase for a show which lasted all of three seasons. Star Trek was a seminal moment in fandom, and Spock was its poster child.
But what does this have to do with Hobbits?
Lord of the Rings is equally seminal in the different corners of geekery. [Read more]
COMMUNITY NEWS: Note from the Mods: We would like to invite the moderators of other fandom communities to become 'reporters' or 'scouts' for middleearthnews. All we ask is that you send us formatted updates on your own communities for posting here.

* tolkien_weekly (drabbles) updates:
Baked Goods (Boromir; rated G) by kortirion

* hobbitfilmfic updates:
Whose Hearts Are Mountains, Roots Are Trees (Bilbo/Thorin; rated NC-17) by htebazytook

* oeam updates:
The King of the Forest, part 5/7: Hope (Thranduil/Celeborn, OMC; rated R) by the_winterwitch
The King of the Forest, part 6/7: Solace (Thranduil/Celeborn, OMC; rated R) by the_winterwitch
The King of the Forest, part 7/7: Epilogue (Thranduil/Celeborn, OMC; rated R) by the_winterwitch

* b2mem updates:
Going Back Is Never That Easy... (Gilraen and Ivorwen; rated G) by curiouswombat
At Tharbad's Spring Faire (Maglor, Daeron; rated G) by mybluerose1990
As All Things Must (Tar-Míriel, OFCs; rated G) by ladyelleth
My Blood Approves (Fingon/Maedhros, Fingon/Maedhros/OFC; rated Mature) by moetushie
Set Himring Ringing (Fingon/Maedhros, Daeron/Maglor; rated Adult) by starbrow
What if Arakáno didn't die? (Arakánor/Ecthelion; rated PG) by silver_trails
In The King's Closet (Fingon/Maedhros, OC/OMC; rated PG) by starbrow
In a hole in the ground... (Non-fiction; tutorial for wearable art) by dreamflower02
Let Foot Be Like Feather (implied Erestor/Glorfindel, Elrond/ALL THE SINGLE LADIES (platonically); rated G) by starbrow
Art: A Hole in the Ground (rated G) by shadowycat
Shadows of Cuiviénen (Beleg; rated G) by ignoblebard
Over the Horizon (Aragorn, Halbarad, Dírhael, Ivorwen, Nethril (OFC), Adanel (OFC), Finnael (OFC); rated G) by suzll
How Dare He! (Luthien/Beren, Arwen/Aragorn; rated G) by curiouswombat
Fëanor's Lanterns (Halbarad, Ivorwen, Isilmë (OFC), Nethril (OFC), Aragorn; rated G) by zopyrus
One Final Boat Ride upon the River (Frodo Baggins, Drogo and Primula Baggins, OMC; rated PG) by blslarner
Tevildo's Lament (Tevildo, Melkor, Sauron, Lúthien, Beren; rated Mature) by moetushie
Eclipse of Reason (Aragorn, Arwen, Faramir, OMCS; rated PG) by lindahoyland
In the Shadow of the Forest (Original female character (Borlach's daughter, Easterling); Maedhros, son of Feanor; rated Teens) by hhimring
And this is the tale that River told... (Primula Baggins, Drogo Baggins, Bilbo Baggins, Hamfast
Gamgee, and other canon hobbits including Frodo Baggins; rated PG-13) by grey_wonderer
Om Nom Nom Nom (Finrod/Andreth, referenced Aegnor/Andreth, ever-present Finrod/Notebooks; rated Adult) by starbrow
Forest Paths (Elrohir, Thranduil; rated G) by fadesintothewes
Playing Games (OFC, Orc; rated R) by the_wavesinger
The Queen and Her Consort (Tar-Vanimelde/Herucalmo; rated PG-13) by the_wavesinger
Noldolantë (Fingon/Maedhros; rated R) by the_wavesinger
The Invasion, Part 3 (Ranger OMC, various hobbits, Bandobras "Bullroarer" Took; rated PG-13) by dreamflower02
Elessar (Aragorn, Gandalf, Pippin; rated G) by hhimring
Silmarachnis (Melkor, Fëanor, Finwë, Ungoliant, Námo, Indis, Gothmog. Other Valarin and Finwean cameos; rated Teens) by huinare
A Perfect Afternoon (Aragorn/Arwen, Faramir/Éowyn; rated G) by lindahoyland
The Old Maid's Tale (Tar-Míriel, OFC, Ar-Pharazôn, Sauron; rated Teens) by ladyelleth
A Brief Visit from Friends (Frodo, Sam, Merry, Pippin and Me; rated G) by dreamflower02
Letting Go the Fear (Arwen, Pippin, some Elven maidens; rated G) by blslarner
Two of my favorite tropes (rec list) by indy1776
About Balbo Baggins... and Others (Balbo Baggins/Berylla Boffin, Ponto Baggins/OC, others; no rating given) by kayleelupin
The Rivers Of My Palms (Fingon/Maedhros; rated PG-13) by starbrow
Untitled work (Findis, Lalwen, Finarfin, Indis and an OFC, with a minor appearance by Fëanor; rated Teens) by kazaera
Before Spring (Ivorwen, Dírhael, Malbeth; rated Teens) by suzll
"When Hope Was High (Fingon, Maedhros, Glaurung, Fingolfin, Maglor, Aegnor; rated PG-13) by starbrow
Art and War (Nerdanel/Fëanor, implied Finwë/Míriel/Indis; rated Teens) by indy1776
CHALLENGES/WORKSHOPS/AWARDS: The current challenge at tolkien_weekly is Unsung Heroes: Carpenter

From hobbit_kink:
RPF prompt post #3
Prompt post #18
FIC/ART NEWS: From Library of Moria, via talullahred:New fics
Mercy by Annatard
(Restricted Audience, Fëanor/Morgoth, Maedhros/Morgoth, Morgoth/Sauron, PWP written for fun. Light bondage, implied Feanor/Maedhros.)

Scaly and Unwashed by Chaotic Binky
(General Audience, Maglor/Sauron, Humor, Sauron gleefully recounts more of his recollections of life in Valinor. His friend, Elrond, is looking forward to a ship arriving in the harbour. Could Arwen be on board? Meanwhile, little trainee dark lord Erestor likes to watch ships sink.)

Poem: Autumn Leaves by TheRomanDweller
(General Audience, A Poem About Autumn.)
From AO3 - Archive of Our Own:
-- TOLKIEN J. R. R. - Works
-- Lord of the Rings - All Media Types
-- Lord of the Rings RPF -- The Hobbit - All Media Types
-- The Hobbit - Jackson movies
-- The Hobbit (2012) RPF
-- The Silmarillion and other histories of Middle-Earth - J. R. R. Tolkien
Tolkien spans generations...in sometimes hilarious ways
My five year old loves The Hobbit movies as much as I do (I haven't yet done LOTR with her: a. We've been absorbed with TH for a while, and b. I think she's only just now getting old enough for the mature themes of the LOTR EE's, as I don't have the TE's).

While cleaning out our shed, my husband stumbled upon a Sideshow collectibles Aragorn doll that he managed to snag somewhere for five dollars, and he brought it in the house (I think he got it for me at another house, and it ended up in our shed when we moved). So I put it together, and set it on our desk (and of course I HAD to "test" the bow's range first... rather impressive for such a tiny thing, I might add). My girls (ages 5 and 2) "helped" me put it together (which is code for "making general enthusiastic nuisances of themselves" while I put it together).

When my husband came home, my eldest took him by the hand (followed by her sister) and they dragged him into our room and pointed up at the figurine.

"Daddy, look! It's Oregon!"

He replied, "Erm, sweetie... it's Aragorn, not Oregon."

How have you shared Tolkien with the younger generations?

What Era?
I know The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings both take place during the Third Age of Middle Earth, but I was curious if anyone knew around what era that would have been in our world. i.e. Anglo Saxon Era; Victorian Era...
CLASSIFIED: Your friendly middleearthnews mods are constantly on the lookout for all things LotR-related, from fics to fandom events, comics to current news. Make them happy by emailing them at middle_earth_news@yahoo.com.
RESEARCH AIDS:. From estelanui:
The Lord of the Beers, Middle-earth Beer
A few statistics: the words beer or ale comes up 40 times in LOTR, while wine is mentioned 25 times...
TRIVIA: Friday's BOOK question: What sound was it that Pippin could never hear without tears coming to his eyes?
Answer: A horn.

dreamflower02, baranduin and juliebeth answered correctly. (And lindahoyland gets half-lembas for mentioning a sound that makes this mod tear up a little: silver trumpets.)

Today's MOVIE question contributed by estelle3974: Who insists that the care of women and children at Helm's Deep is "an honorable charge"?

All comments are screened so that only the mods can see the answers. Comments will be unscreened when the next edition is posted. Any comments on a different subject will be unscreened ASAP.

From the staff and (we're sure) the readers of middleearthnews:
Happy Early Birthday,
May your day be full of joy and may the year bring many happy surprises! ♥ ♥ ♥

Many hugs and much love from caras_galadhon, elanorgardner, empy and estelanui.

The mods would like to wish anyone having a special day the very best. Please send your special wishes to middle_earth_news@yahoo.com.
COMICS: (Link contributions are welcome)

From ROFLrazzi:

That's it for this edition. Please send your formatted post for Friday's edition by 8:00 a.m. (Eastern time) to middle_earth_news@yahoo.com. Thanks for joining us and tell your friends!
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