(no subject)

Apr 28, 2016 14:10

We were stuck in Oklahoma for a few days or so. We finally decided to drive to Little Rock to get out of there before tornados showed up the following day. We made it there and the following day got a load to Colorado. We tried bidding high so we wouldnt get it. Didnt want to go back into the storm. Oh well. My hubby plotted out a plan to drive for us to avoid most of it. In Kansas though we did get stuck in a thunderstorm/hail storm. Didnt last long. We were on the outskirts of the storm. We took a 3 hour nap at a truck stop before moving on. We got to Colorado ahead of schedule. Yay! Safe and sound. Did some maintanence on the van. Oil change and things. Ate dinner. Crashed in a hotel overnight. I was so exhausted I barely made it into bed. Was a sleep within minutes. We are about to leave the hotel. Eat some food in the van. Do some errands and hope we have a load out by then. If not, we will drive to Kansas and see what luck we get there. Too cold to stay here. Til then. Ciao!
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