Jan 27, 2005 22:02
well, well, well it seems that if i keep my ass in motion that i just might graduate this year...after 12 years of being forced to sit and learn mostly useless knowledge for 8 hours a day....fuck man why dont they teach us something worth learning, something that will actually help kids out with life instead of molding our brains into what they want.
even if i do graduate well shit its off to fucking college...all well at least i will be on my own and my rents will probably still pay for everything, because i told them i was just going to tcc...this upset them tremendously...im fucking spoiled i guess.
ive been having weird visualizations lately, theyve always been there, but its just weirder, most of it starts out as a daydream i guess, but ill just be chillin and zoning out then my eyes seem to be guarded by a haze and my body begins to break into mist and i can feel myself being pulled into some sort of black whole a neverending tunnel where i can safely hide, but i usually shake it away, most of it is real subtle yet real weird, for instance yesterday i was just sitting inside on a chair and i realized that the ceiling was raining...it wasnt really raining of course, but there where glistening lines coming from my ceiling and that is the only thing that made sense, it doesnt make sense. its just little things like that that happen all the time, or ill notice something that i think is beautiful and it will feel alive...i might just be weird...i hear that a lot, but i dont think im all that weird.