Oct 17, 2004 00:10
well well well!!!
im at the little computer place at my appartments...mom wont let me in, to scared to call dad...those bastards even locked all the windows, really pisses me off...i mean i would have come home earlier if they didnt report me as a missing person...i figure as long as im a missing person i might as well have fun before i go home and get all hell thrown at me! but for the rest of the night im gunna go see if theres a little drinkage going on down the way...hopefully my mexican drink man is there!!!
good times, yes, YES! well except for im still in need of an acceptable place to crash. bastards bastards BASTARDS!!! last night was to mad for words we laughed, we cried, we were scared, we drank, we fucked, we danced on the pool table again!!! woot woot!!! well now to journey down to the lodge! wish me luck niggas!!