Nov 19, 2010 00:42
Divorce in the works.
The girlfriend and I had what I really consider our first date recently. A jaunt downtown, eating in at a new restaurant (they were closed but the owner let us in after hours cause she's awesome), then saw Megamind (woot for my first 3-D movie!) and then home. It was an epic day.
Things that changed when guys left the house? I CAN GET SHIT DONE. Without having someone interrupting me or asking me for things every five minutes I have been able to successfully keep up with NaNoDrawMo and get one picture done a DAY this month. AND MOST OF THEM ARE COMPLETELY INKED AND COLORED. It blows my mind. It really does.
Money is being better managed. Not rich by any means but keeping on top of things.
Went to my first bar. A gay bar in Lexington. It's an amazing place, piqued my interest in drag again as they have drag shows on the days we go. The staff is friendly and awesome and they have a rockin dance floor. The girlfriend is less shy about dancing but it's still fun. On top of this I've discovered how many people I work with are gay. She always finds them. XD There's at least fifteen I know of, most of whom are awesome and some of whom go to the bar with us.
Mom and Dad, still not taking it well but they want to see me. I've been neglecting going out because life's been a roller coaster of awesome/bad recently and I've been trying to avoid any negative potholes in my life. After the girlfriend put it in perspective for me I really came to realize how badly the people around me made me feel about myself. My parent's pressures to be what they wanted and do what they wanted, Red's need for attention but unwillingness to give me any of substance, Rob's constant joking ridicule, and the lack of my high school support I had had pretty much dumped my self esteem off a cliff.
Working on the comic gave me a real boost and started to improve my skills tremendously. I could see my improvement, the girlfriend could too, even my fellow Deviantartists noticed, but the people in my life otherwise didn't notice/seemed more interested in whether I was doing what they wanted me to do. So, I'm started focusing on what I want to do and ignoring their demands. It's my life. I can do with it as I please. Right now what pleases me is my girlfriend, my fancomic, my music, my art, and my life. That I can handle. When I can balance these things well and succeed at them, I'll move on to the next step. One thing at a time. You can't handle it all at once. ^.^ I think I've finally got that through my head.
We still need a Christmas tree. XD
One thing that kinda amazes me. I never really believed in signs before. And maybe it's just because so much of the stuff is eclectic and some is popular, but things from the comic keep popping up randomly in real life. Can't go a day without seeing someone dressed in a particular character's style, hearing their name, finding mashups of songs we associate with them, just EVERYTHING. It's bizarre. Though it reminds me of something I heard once about how when all the coincidences in your life seem to coincide with one another you're doing something right.
Maybe I am.