Mar 03, 2006 07:38
So it's 7:30 in the morning and I'm home sick again (holy hell, the amount of mucus I'm coughing up and is coming out of my nose is disgusting, plus I didn't sleep too well last night...again). I'm not doing homework yet because I haven't fully decided what to do. And I'm a loser because I'm watching Boogyman. It's probably on tonight, but I'm a big wuss and would rather watch it in the middle of the day. Seriously, I'm so easily scared that it's not even funny. Speaking of things I"m scared of. I can't remember who else said they were afraid of butterflies (I think it was my aunt actually) but THERE ARE BLOOD SUCKING BUTTERFLIES IN SPAIN. They only drink the blood of things that are already dead, but still, that's freaky.
Now for some awesome news! Yesterday I got an email from Jeffery (councelor from Mont) and he asked if I'd gotten any mail from the school...and congradulated me. I immediately ran down to get the mail to find a big white envelope. Not only was I accepted...BUT THEY'RE GIVING ME $5000 PER YEAR TOWARDS TUITION! Awesome!
So now I have to figure out if I want to finish my concentration piece, work on the shockingly small amount of homework I do have (essay for English, one Spanish project, and 2-3 stats assignments) or filling out photocopies of my Montserrat forms. Woo!