Oct 19, 2004 10:34
Yesterday the dry spell broke and it rained cats and dogs all day. Even in the aircon world of the council there was a small roar on the tin roof.
Tom found it unusually hard to focus. Tom is 73, a veteran engineer: a water flow and flood inundation expert. He is indispensable to the planning group. His age makes us all vulnerable. The bay islands are subject to rising, gently lapping Moreton Bay tides. Tom has the knowledge: technical and intuitive.
He looked up from his drainage maps - and said to me:
Can you hear that drumming?
I listened fro a while.
I can hear an interesting reverberation from the aircon mixed in with rain on the roof
No, he said, there’s more, can you hear a frenetic rhythmic drumming?
I don’t think I can hear it Tom.
On the morning went - every now and then Tom would look up at me as if he had been stung, can’t you hear that?
And I would feign an expression of concentration, intrigue and mild apology.