on waking

May 17, 2007 09:59

my flat is not well suited for sleeping in.

for starters it faces north-east and is getting the dawn light at 5.30. if the dawn doesn't wake me little turk's diurnal clock will, sometimes she doesn't even make a sound and i wake up with her staring at me, or just kinda meditating near my head. otherwise she will make the slightest grunt as if she doesn;t wan't to startle me. she likes to have a hit of kangaroo flesh before her morning antics which often involves a little stalking until the sun is strong enough for dozing. i don't know how she stays so calm with all that red meat.

if little turk don't wake me, the indian woman in the pink sari and white trainers might. she has chosen the pavement across the road from my window to do her morning pranayama - which involves various halation snorts and rigorous hand clapping. the first time i was woken with this noise about a month ago i was totally perplexed at its origin. now, sometimes, i don't even notice. but its like she's calling me to some kind of attention. on relfection she turned up about when i started reading Paramahansa Yogananda's 'Autobiography of a Yogi' - if you've read this book you'll appreciate that its highly likely she's the embodiment of a saint and we need to have some kind of exchange. i half expect her not to turn up when i finish the book so i ought to make some kind of advance but she seems very shy - leaving just after sunrise. you can't be too pushy with saints - or their embodiments.

once i am awake i hear the birds. paddy's pair of budgees going psycho next door, chattering maniacly with their retarded repoirtoir. the crows of course don't waste breath on such chatter, they are out and about on their dawn missions. i can't imagine a crow in a cage, it's like they'd just implode or dissapear into dark matter.

as i lay in bed listening to the chattering of the budgees and caws of crows i remembered a dream. two beautiful blue birds came in the window with some urgency, they were looking for a cage! i was compelled to help them and was confronted by three cages. the first cage already had Paddy's pair of mangy budgees. the second looked good; bigger with considerable height. it took me a while to figure out the catch, when i finally opened the door i noticed that it was occupied by a big white bird. strange how i didn't notice it before. it filled most of the cage with its head near the top bars, it just sat there, in some kind of dormancy. i close the little door (which seems kinda ridiculous given the size of the bird). we (me and the blue birds) turn to the the third cage, it is smaller and flatter with less head room but the blue birds are keen as mustard, hopping in as soon as i open the door. mmm
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