DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) with Postfix on Ubuntu

Aug 21, 2018 06:46

Originally published at Moishe Beshkin. You can comment here or there.

Google mail system repeatedly put mail from my domain to spam, I found, that there should be done certain steps in order to fix this problem. The most important and the most effective solution was to sign outcoming e-mails with DKIM signature.

$ sudo apt-get install opendkim opendkim-tools Setup
Opendkim configuration

In file /etc/opendkim.conf add the following lines:

Domain KeyFile /etc/postfix/dkim.key Selector dkim ExternalIgnoreList refile:/etc/opendkim/TrustedHosts InternalHosts refile:/etc/opendkim/TrustedHosts KeyTable refile:/etc/opendkim/KeyTable SignatureAlgorithm rsa-sha256 SigningTable refile:/etc/opendkim/SigningTable
In file /etc/default/opendkim the following lines

RUNDIR=/var/run/opendkim SOCKET=inet:8891@localhost
In file /etc/systemd/system/

ExecStart=/usr/sbin/opendkim -P /var/run/opendkim/ -p inet:8891@localhost
File /etc/opendkim/KeyTable
File /etc/opendkim/SigningTable

File /etc/opendkim/TrustedHosts Key creation

$ opendkim-genkey -t -s dkim -d $ sudo mv domain.key /etc/opendkim/keys/ Postfix configuration

Configure postfix. In /etc/postfix/ write the following:

milter_default_action = accept milter_protocol = 2 smtpd_milters = inet:localhost:8891 non_smtpd_milters = inet:localhost:8891 Restart services

$ sudo service opendkim restart $ sudo service postfix restart
Note: Replace with your domain name.
DNS entry

opendkim-genkey generated dkim.txt file. In this file you will find some code. You need to copy line starting with “v=DKIM1;” and will last double quotes. You can omit “h=sha256; k=rsa; t=y;” as they are default

In your DNS management system you need to add following TXT entry

TXT - [the copied line]
after this you will be able to dig the value

$ dig txt
After these steps, you will see a running daemon opendkim on port 8891 and Postfix will ask for signature from it. In my case gmail accepts all my e-mails. 

issues and resolutions

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