We are doing our job here

Dec 10, 2015 10:45

Originally published at Moishe Beshkin. You can comment here or there.

I haven’t written anything about our successes in our project for a long time.
So, filling the gap.

During last half a year our small kosher corporation made a huge step up:
- Now Android and iOS apps on both projects “Is it kosher?” and “Is it Gluten Free?” have common functionality.
- We added paid functions, like offline databases access and product detection by image recognition.
- Search was sped up and improved.
- We contacted producers and this helped us to improve products information - better image quality, barcodes and ingredients.
- We release “Is it kosher?” app for Windows Phone.
- Simple Luach now on iOS has the same functionality as for Android. There are serious plans on development of this project.

As for me, I :
- learned how to start a GlassFish server. I am not sure if this is the best choice, but I needed it as soon as possible and had a tutorial from JetBrains.
- won over Gradle. Now, I have a monster project, which contains Android and server application. Also not sure about best practices, but it works.
- learned and developed verification of Android and Apple stores.

Windows Phone kosher search

Windows Phone kosher details

Windows Phone kosher settings

Android Gluten Free search

Android Gluten Free sidebar

Android Gluten Free login

Android Gluten Free settings

Android Gluten Free settings

iOS kosher seach

iOS kosher details

Android kosher seach

Android kosher details
Images to download:

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