It was about damn time

Jul 22, 2008 15:25

    Okay, that last week wasn't good.
    I spent it staying at  Myślenice (small town near Cracow), with my friend and her grandparents. And well, there was about NOTHING to do there and me and Zuzka argued a little. Well, it wasn't that bad, but not the most enjoyable week either.
    And I've seen more of Cracow than I EVER wanted, alright? I hate sight seeing.
Anyway, I'm back now, my Felka missed me (she's been staying in my room, hugging and sleeping in my bed since I came back! :D), and - danadanadana - I have a new, pretty, shiny, 19" LCD monitor. My dad bought it but he prtended it was my mom's doing. What a guy.
    Oh, and I haven't bitten my nails once since last monday. Zuzka was bored, so she painted (is that the good word?) my nails, and I just stopped biting. It happens every year, but as soon as the school starts I start eating my fingers again. No big deal, long nails are freakingly annoying.   
    By the way, a funny thing happened to us: late at night, around 1 AM, we heard a noise. It sounded like a babbling happily baby. At first we were all "fuck, why don't people put their junior baby sons of bitches to sleep", but then it didn't shut up and started to sound louder and creepier. We were already feeling pretty uncomfortable - but then, a second voice joined in! We freezed, grabbed each others hand and started mumbling something about two-headed devil babies and Stephen King...
...but it were just mating cats. Oh well.

    I didn't draw all that much there, I didn't really have a place to put paper on. But I do have doodles!

I drew a lot of Skinny Freckled Girl With a Short Name, who I think might be named Mia.

My scanner does that annoying thing where he says "how about a very high brightness and contrast? Ah, no? Well, it wasn't a question, BITCH" and I can't do anything about it. -_-

use your imagination
besides, a woman who follows her man to a peace rally altough she doesn't give a shit is a saint, even if she dresses at Prada.

Who's the baddest mommajammer this side of Betelgeuse?
Seeing how Mia is a super-powered sociopath on military's payroll, it's not much of a competition.


Imaging llamas with Zuzka's head kept me entertained for around ten minutes. Alas, I can't draw llamas.

...what a terrible death for Kenny.


Another WITCH spree.
I've been thinking about an idea for a fanfic (not very likely to be ever written), in which Will is killing herself to get into Stanford, Irma has an unwanted female admirer, Hay Lin has totally lost it, Cornelia tries to make Will stay in Heatherfield and Taranee doesn't really have much to do.

I like the bag
I want the bag
Why don't I have the bag?

Tara has green contacts!
Creating a character without freckles is like winning 10 cents at a lottery.
I'm too old for this, please make me stop

kuroshi, irma, cornelia, okusan, sai, taranee, will, hay lin, mia, witch, south park, shun

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