Aug 28, 2003 22:17
1. that i can see my whole lj background on my mum's computer.
2. that my manager is so good at reading people and who to hire.
3. for people from small towns, and how open they are compared to the jadedness of vancouver.
4. for vancouver people and how open they are to new ideas and differences of opinion.
5. that i fell asleep on the train ride home.
6. that i do not have a credit card when i watch convincing infomecials.
7. that ryan has a girlfriend. and that i am not jealous, only happy.
8. that i have a brother like stu.
9. spies - coldplay.
10. for the unofficial, unorganized book club that seems to have evolved among the employees at loomis art store in vancouver.
i am going to my fourth wedding of the summer this saturday. an old friend. i've known nicole since i was eight and she was five. we lived next to each other for nine and a half years. i love her family. their house was my second home. sometimes my first.