Birth Pains

Jan 03, 2004 23:12

So I decided to go ahead and start this journal...I'm actually supposed to be doing this on a daily basis, but the paper and pencil method lasted about 30 seconds the first day I started. I got a cramp. :( I was always a pretty good writer in school, but I never really enjoyed the process. In fact, I pretty much hated it. So I'm giving this a whirl, hoping that I can stick with this a bit longer than 30 seconds. I figure I can post to this way faster than I can write, and no pesky notebooks to carry around or leave laying around to be found by prying eyes.

But what a pain in the butt - as well as an eyeopening experience - it was for me to set this thing up. First, I had to choose a username. I HATE my aol screen name, but have never been able to come up with anything clever to replace it. I was determined that I was not going to use the same name here. I asked Ben for assistance, who was NO HELP and bailed on me to sleep. :-P So I just sat back and tried to think through my life...what defines me... and came up with NOTHING! I had already promised myself that I was not using any reference to motherhood or my children. SexyMama, GarretsMom, LAMom...I thought about and discarded all of those. So that left...Big Fat Zero. Which is sad. And depressing. Then I was supposed to list my interests. Again, I came up with next to nothing. More depression.

So, part of this journal thing is going to be me trying to figure out who I am again. Because I used to know...a l-o-n-g time ago...and I liked who was. :) I want to be there again.

Anyway, the username. I love suns. So I have sun jewelry and sun underwear and sun candles and sun pictures and books of poetry about the sun. I see one and it makes me smile. I'm not sure why, but they make me happy and that's enough for me. There was a dance club in the warehouse district when I was in college called the "Midnight Sun". I barely missed getting bashed over the head with a beer bottle during a fight between Korean street gangs in that club. Good times... :) Anyway, I loved the name and still there you go.

I think I actually had something to say, but my brain has fogged and my body is demanding it can wait for tomorrow.
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