Random Update

Aug 15, 2006 08:00

I'm moved! Yay!

I'll move again (across the apt.) soon. Probably tomorrow.

I'm doing the whole pre-band thing.

It's going. Pretty interesting. New people, which is always good :D, and reconnecting with some people I've known for a while. I think it's going to be an interesting year in band. I'm semi-excited.

I can't be mucho excited because of all the *ahem* other *ahem* stuff. But I'll survive. I just know I have to do some hard things in the near near future.

I could NOT go to sleep last night. I just couldn't fall asleep. I finally got some zzz's around 2AM. And got up at 0715. I'm slightly pooped. But I'll survive. Time to get dressed now!!

But that's about it for now!

Congrats are in order to cafelou and colddweller, and moosemcfiend and crayon_goddess!! Yay!

That makes 3, possibly 4 weddings soon.

I'm off to find *MY* prince charming!!

*wanders aimlessly cause I dunno where He is...*
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