New Year's Eve

Jan 02, 2012 00:24

Originally posted by mid_century at New Year's Eve

London. New Year’s Eve.


Nowhere else could give then this buzz. To be in a crowd and remain anonymous. To walk past Downing Street and high five the armed guard. And even pinch a policeman’s backside. To be coated in glitter and tinsel …and not get beaten up. Just this one night. NYE in London.

Miles and Alex were high as kites. You didn’t dare try to bring a stash with you. It would get lost, or stolen…or confiscated. You had to consume the lot before heading off. That meant starting the night vomiting and barely able to see. The Last Shadow Puppets did this in the privacy of their own home. They waited until they were only crying with laughter before they stepped into Westminster, emerging from the tube station below Portcullis House. On a night like this, the world would let them pass.

”Did you have to touch that copper up ?” Miles was smarting despite knowing it was just the drugs that fuelled Alex’s amour.

”He was fit as….don’t tell me you didn’t see that cute smile and those adorable eyes ???” Alex was flirting as though his life depended on it. “Chill Miles, no-one cares…it’s New Years’s Eve. Do you want to try to scale the wall and get into Downing Street ?”

”Jesus…no I don’t. Sitting in a high security holding room won’t be the best way to see the new year in. How about we cut through St. James’s Park instead ?”

Alex made a dash for it, weaving though the crowds and into the emptier streets of Whitehall, the Georgian buildings towering over him. Miles let him go, anticipating he’d wait at the other end before the depths of the park stretched out. However, as descended the steps he knew Alex was lost. Well, not lost in the conventional sense, Alex knew his way around the streets too well for that. Lost as in you’re left waiting like an idiot while hoping they’d backtrack to find you. Miles waited, starting to notice the nip in the air. He rubbed his hands to warm them.

A few minutes passed. He elected to cross the road to the fringe of the park, but refused to call for Alex as though he was searching for a runaway pet. Then, there was a low whistle.
 ”Al ?” Miles tried to appear normal while addressing a bank of bushes. “Stop arseing about and let’s get going….Al….Al...” He was hissing into the shrubbery.

He was pulled roughly, a broken branch scratching his face as he was enveloped with evergreen foliage. Lips pressed against his; In his shock he allowed his jaw to slacken and his tongue to rub against this stranger’s. With relief he recognised Alex’s scent and taste.

”We’re only feet away from armed police, and you want to grope me in the bushes…in the park ?”

“Shush…don’t talk then…” Alex was rapidly releasing Miles from his trousers, aware of the perilous nature of such an encounter. He moved straight to deep stimulation with his throat, taking Miles in deeply.

Miles oscillated between intense pleasure and the rapid progression towards orgasm, and momentary interventions from passing conversations. The shouts from groups of teens simultaneously frightening him with their close proximity, and thrilling him. He tried not to think of the gaol term if they got caught, instead looking to the crown of Alex’s head, the light picking up the swaying of his hair.

”I’m nearly there Al…” He whispered. To his horror, Alex stood up, wiping the back of his hand over his mouth and moving out towards the park again.

”Not yet you’re not, Miles…thanks for the timely warning though.” He was out onto the grass of the surrounding park lawns now.

”You little bitch.” Struggling to re-zip his trousers and tuck in his shirt, Miles was cussing in a low tone. He checked for oncoming policemen, then stepped out of the shrubbery back into the street and away from the park. Resisting a glance backwards, he strode off towards the Mall.

He’d rounded about half of the park before he pinpointed the familiar duffel from the corner of his eye, the blue tinsel assisting his task considerably. A hand slipped into his moments later, the weight of the ring confirming beyond doubt the owner.

”Jeez Miles, don’t sulk… go on as if you don’t know me at times…”

“I’m forever astounded by the depths of your idiocy, you mean ? How careless that I forget my boyfriend is a moron.”

“See, we’re made for each other.” Alex winked a him. “God, I always forget how ugly Buck House is. Is the Queen at home ? Can you see the flag Miles ?” They were nearing the turn away from the Palace now.

”Fucks knows. Look for yourself.” Miles dropped his hand to reach around for a cigarette.

”Hold on, I’ll ask that soldier on guard over there..”

“Oh no, keep away from the uniform and find me a light instead.” Miles had placed himself directly obscuring the path towards the sentry box. With relief he saw Alex halt and search about for the lighter instead. They huddled to keep the flame going, Alex using his spare hand to hold a fallen lock of Miles’s hair back from the fire, then plucking a lit cigarette from his lips. They moved off, Alex with his arm threaded though Miles’s.

”It didn’t seem right before mid-night. Let’s get the next half an hour or so over with and I’ll fuck you.”

Miles coughed. “Ermm…I think you’ll find it’s my turn to do the taking. And it’s your turn to spread your legs compliantly for me.”

“Bull. Shit. It definitely my turn. I marked it on my phone.” Alex said this with confidence. Miles knew he’d lost once that smug look arrived.

“Will this be on the streets of London ? Or do I get a chance to go home and get warm first ?”

“Seeing as I feel randy as fuck, it’s likely to be both. We can pick up some coke if you need some assistance, Miles ? Speaking for myself, my cock is hard just thinking about how I will tease you, letting my tongue lick you until you’re ready let me push in with my fingers, driving a path ready for my thick cock to spread you…”

Miles leant his head on Alex’s shoulder. He didn’t know what on earth he could do, but try to keep walking and get the only physical support possible. Thirty more minutes.

Neither really took in the next thirty minutes. Alex allowed Miles to warm his hands against his bare skin, relishing the tartness of those icy fingers clinging to his chest. Around Trafalgar Square, the street lighting overhead was too distinct to allow kissing. Time dragged.

”Why are we even doing this Al ?”

“It was your idea. And it’s a shit one. Loud wankers, no drugs, shit music.”

“Pub ?”

“Lets head back towards the flat, I’ll find out if Carl can meet us at The Bishops and bring some stuff with him, yeah ?” He was already speed-dialling.

The last person Miles wanted along was Carl. Carl with his perfect, pouty mouth…his delicious golden skin…that wavy hair drawing attention to his smouldering eyes that always seem to suggest sin. Just bloody terrific.

”Can’t we just make it us ?” He hated how whiny that came out.

“It’s the biggest party night of the year. Anyway, he might not be around….Hello ? Carl ? Yeah mate….” Alex spun around to shelter the phone from the crowd noise. Miles felt like knocking it from Al’s hand by accident.

Alex pulled him by his jacket towards the taxi rank.

“Game on.”

They took a black cab, the dark interior allowing themselves the luxury to pick up when they’d had to stop.

”I’m always hard around you,” Miles whispered into his friend’s ear. “Desperate to be inside you, to taste you.”

Alex placed both their hands over his straining jeans. “Wank me before we get there. Let me come all over those beautiful hands.”

“Are you begging Al ?” Miles chuckled.

”Fuck yes.”

Miles looked to see if the driver was paying them attention, but he was busy singing along to the radio. He pushed the jeans aside.

“I want to fuck you up against the wall by the pub. Down that alley we go to when we take the coke, where there’s that doorway. Each time I think how I’d like to pin you in there and take you. To hear you whimpering with the pain as I just rush into you, no time to get ready for me…”

Alex jerked his whole body, spilling into Miles’s hand just as the lights of the pub appeared in their side window.

”Perfect timing, my love. Get zippered up. It’s pub time.” And Miles had to abandon him to find change for the driver.

Miles opened the cab door. The first person he saw was Carl. His instinct was to slam the door shut again.

“Boys !!! Just in time !” Carl had a firm hold on the door.

“Carlllllll !” Al dived into a hug with Carl. Miles thought the hands reaching around to grab Al’s arse was meant more for him than anything else. He turned away.

“Got some gear ?” Al was trying Carl’s pockets, brushing against his cock accidently, Carl’s grunt not going unnoticed. “Behave your self Barat. I’m spoken for now.”

Carl gave him the wrap. “Like fuck you are. Your reputation precedes you, you’re an easy lay, and I’m yet to get that cock of yours in my mouth.”

Alex elbowed him, and walked Miles to the alleyway, mouthing back at Carl to go away. Carl located the pub door and stumbled in, as the countdown began.

Miles braced himself against the wall, creating a barrier between the pub door and Alex opening the wrap. Al spread a rough line along the back of Miles’s hand and snorted it deftly, licking the residue and nipping at the edge of the palm.

”You dirty whore. No wonder Carl can’t keep his hands off you.”

”Miles…” Alex stood stock still, listening to the cheers. “It’s midnight. I love you.”  He pulled Miles into a kiss, no space between their bodies from knee to shoulder.

”I love you too. Another perfect year with a sleazy and slutty perfect incarnation of a man.”

Carl had at least got the drinks in. Unfortunately he had cast any remaining inhibitions away and was openly leering at Al. Miles placed himself between them and tried to look nonchalant.

”Al tells me he’s spoken for at last. In which case, I ask your permission to have a New Year’s kiss with him…” Carl steadily held Miles’s eyes, daring him to refuse.

”Sure. Must be rough when you can’t find someone of your own to kiss.” Miles winked at him.

Carl reached around Alex, being able to fold his arms in tightly around this boy’s skinny waist. “At last, I get to bruise those delicious lips of yours…” Carl registered the flash of alarm flit across Alex’s face just before he closed his eyes, as their faces brushed.

Seeing two desperately attractive, lithe men kissing made Miles harden even though his heart was wincing. His pulse picked up despite seeing the creases in Alex’s skin from greedily pressing into Carl, the flickering of his eyelids betraying his enjoyment. Carl meanwhile, had moved onto fanning his hands over Alex’s back, tracing the dip down the spine between the ribs that leads down to the trousers. That made Alex break away.

Carl moved straight to Miles, trying his luck while the situation allowed it. Miles felt himself respond, leaning to explore this soft mouth with it’s unfamiliar sweet-tasting terrain. He thought he could recognise Alex ….his sudden keenness surprising Carl and giving Alex a momentary glimpse into the feverish grasp of jealously.

The moment seemed to stretch beyond being acceptable. Alex tried to clear his throat. He banged his glass on the bar. Carl took the hint, stepping back leaving Miles clearly disappointed. He noticed Alex frowning at him.

”Christ, I’d hate to have to choose between which one of you is the better kisser. If we had a night, I could die happy having been fucked by the both of you.” Carl was smiling but it was obvious he meant the sentiment, And his proposal.

Miles draped an arm around Alex’s shoulder. “We’ll let you know, should we decide on that. For now, let’s lift our drinks to Absent Friends.”

”Nicely side-stepped.” Alex whispered to him, as they raised their glasses.

”I’m going out for a fag. Don’t spike my drink while I’m gone unless you mean business boys….” Carl left, moving people out of the way via a hand on their backside each time.

”Enjoyed that kiss, did we ? I didn’t think you liked Carl that way ?” Alex knew he was being snippy, but he wasn’t experienced in handling this emotion.

”He looks so good, like an exotic ripe fruit….you almost expect a disappointment but reality really matched up when it came to him.”

Alex was livid; Miles looked like his eyes were a little starry. “Shall we have him over for the night then ? You can find out if you enjoy his bloody perfect arse as much as his mouth ?”

Miles wanted to laugh at Alex, but bit hard down onto his lip to stifle it. “Al, shut up, you dozy mare. It was just a kiss. A bloody good one, mind…..”

“Belt up Kane. You’re such a superbitch.”

“Don’t stick your tongue out at me !” Miles was laughing now at Alex’s ridiculousness.

Carl was weaving his way to them now.

“We on for tonight then ?”

“NO” They both replied.

“Coupla cock teases, the pair of you.” But he ruffled their hair, praying that the night might bring about a change of mind.


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