Live Relaxed in God's Grace

May 09, 2013 23:22

God understands you completely. He is fully aware of your humanity. He knows what makes you tick. He knows your faults, your fears, your failures, and your frustrations. He doesn't expect you to be a Superman or Superwoman.

If you are a parent, do you love your children at every stage of their development or are you waiting until they are mature to love them ?

The point is, God loves you at every stage of your development so you don't have to have unresolved guilt and unrealistic expectations. God's love is unconditional. It's not based on what you do or don't do.

The bible teaches us that, "There is no condemnation now for those who live in union with Christ Jesus."

Then last night..

I was crying and starving for God's love, I was looking for Him , I know that my daily bread has been saying would I still love God if He is nowhere to be found ?

I was like, I don't know if I could afford losing God..
How much You love me God..

Then He just gave me this picture ..

He showed me Jesus Christ on His cross with his nailed hand and bleed to death..

I cried right away after I saw that picture that God has given me.

I did not need to find any answer anymore and I felt so sorry, sorry for myself.
I felt so unworthy , I felt so miserable, I felt such a failure but when God showed me the picture of Jesus on the cross, I felt, I am worthy to be loved by Him.
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