Lazy -_-

Aug 30, 2009 13:32

Oh, Hell! That's my first post? I've had this journal for almost an year. o_o Ts ts ts, I'm so lazy. =/

Anyway... well, my name is Maryia. I'm 17. I love jrock and The Gazette. I love reading fics(and writing fics sometimes).

The reason why, finally, after so much time I dicided to write here is because I'm a little worried and had to take my mind off Ruki's illness. );
Honestly, that man should be more careful! I hope that he's better now, I hope he's resting. I hope there's someone to make sure he's okey. Really I'm not the kind of person who becomes worried easily, I don't know what's wrong with me and why I'm so anxious. But I am. *sigh* And I'm sad, this is Ruki... it can't be something that unimportant and small if they are delaying the concert, right. -_- But.. he’ll be alright!

Руки… този човек защо не се пази повече или и аз нз какво. А така да тревожи феновете си. И щом наистина отлагат датата за концерт явно е сериозно. Все пак това е Руки. Болен... тъжно ми е... -_- Но всичко ще е добре накрая, той ще е добре.
/Също така сестра ми има рожден ден днес, честит да й е. ^^/


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