(no subject)

Jun 03, 2007 20:54

MiC72089: so what time are you coming to pick me up?!

"Bryan Ethier": never

MiC72089: youre an ass

"Bryan Ethier": why, so you can enter my car and make a comment about pizza?

"Bryan Ethier": because i haven't ben driving my car for 6 hours already today?

"Bryan Ethier": you complain about gas money, but ask me of all people for a ride

MiC72089: i dont get it

"Bryan Ethier": i drive my car for hours on end, 4 times a week

"Bryan Ethier": i should be the one getting a ride

MiC72089: well la di da

MiC72089: next time you ask me to watch your kids im not because i do it for 20 hours a week

MiC72089: !!!!

"Bryan Ethier": ok.

MiC72089: come on that was funny

"Bryan Ethier": i don't have kids.

MiC72089: thats why its funny

MiC72089: =P

"Bryan Ethier": hey mic, how's your pet gold fish?

"Bryan Ethier": HAHAHAHAHAHA

MiC72089: LOL

"Bryan Ethier": hey mic, are you still driving the Dodge?

"Bryan Ethier": LOLOLOL

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