Jan 26, 2010 02:08
If the scale at the Community Center is accurate, I have lost approx. 7 lbs since last Monday, the 18th.
Monday the 18th, @ Dr's office - 224lbs
Today, 1/27, @ community ctr - 217-215 (can't stand still enough to get a solid reading)
Also, I spent 1 1/2 hours at the gym tonight. About 45 minutes total on weights, 45 on cardio. 6.5 minutes on the recumbant bike,38 minutes on the treadmill. Short fat chick even managed to jog at a decent pace for a whole minute!
Anywhoo...that is all. Just felt the need to share 'cause I am all OMG W00t! And If I start posting progress reports here, I am accountable to more than just me!
Oh, this is gonna hurt in the morning!