Love, You're a Whore

Jan 20, 2007 22:32

'Cause we cheat you and mistreat you
And beat you and bruise you
And use you and abuse you
And cruise you and lose you
But time after time
He kisses back until you're better

"At 8 AM today, someone poisoned the coffee. Do not drink the coffee. Further instructions will follow."

I love the Office.

It's been a tough weekend. Friday was like A Gay Christmas Story or something. Not a good day.

I lied. Saturday and Sunday were great, Friday was just bad. I judged at the Churchill Classic this weekend. It was way cute. And I got to hang out with Jessica and Lauren a lot. I lurve those girls.

And it's been a great semester so far, despite how busy it's been. It's been fun. It was just one bad day. Nothing a good twelve hours of sleep can't fix!

Sandson out.

(P.S. I'm going to try new conversation-enders. Consider yourself warned.)
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