this is the partial ending

Feb 05, 2010 04:14

But not the FULL ending.

So I've decided, although this has been a semi-long time coming, to partially close down my Livejournal. BUT NO JUMPING TO CONCLUSIONS, this doesn't mean I'm making one of those "Hai i'm leaving forever kay?" type of things. I'll definitely be around to catch up with you folks through your journals. I'll put up the rare post here and there for fun-time purposes. But basically everything I consider really really personal, or like in-depth discussions on my life will be excluded. Occasional picture-spam post may ensue, since I've wanted a record of how my room looks for a while and of course I gotta put up the Coachella post of awesomeness.

Yeah. Large blurb of text done. I'm PARTIALLY leaving LJ, in the sense that it's no longer a public or friends-only journal. (Private only, I'm now writing purely for myself.) I'll comment on my friends list and whatnot.

Here's a brief summary and finale of all the shit going down with me!

Not a whole lot happening that's worth mentioning. Waiting with extreme anticipation for Coachella, Comic-Con, Georgia Spring Break trip, and possibly New York again if I'm able to head out for Fashion's Night Out.

Been reading a lot of vintage fashion books I checked out from the library. It's so amazing to go through everything! I already had a fashion through the century book, which is where I learned about the iconic Balenciaga and Christian Dior looks, but getting a wider range of different looks and designers can be exciting.

School is fantastic-ish. Been BUSY, since school takes up most of my day. (A short day for me goes from 12pm-5:30pm!) I'm really enjoying my French Film class though. I'm just aching for more films that we sample though, so I'm out to download Cleo from 5-7, Parapluies de Cherbourg, and Alphaville. I'm finding that the New Wave movement in cinema is definitely my favourite!

Speaking of French stuff, I'm signing for info sessions on how to get started on a program abroad. Since I know a very bit amount of French, I figured I could use that knowledge boost and head out to study in FRANCE!

The biggest thing in my life right now is to save up money for a major huge investment next year. What, you may ask? A teacup pig!!! Yes yes yes, my first pet and it will be something I've been wanting for years and years and years. Now that I have my own place and my own independence, I figured now would be a good time to finally get one. I probably won't get it until next year when spring brings in another litter of piglets to choose from, but it gives me ample time to save up money for the potential $1000 investment in the pig and supplies to take care of it.

Speaking of spending money...which is something I'm mostly swearing off for the sake of my future beloved pig...I had a thrilling Thrift+SwapMeet Extravaganza. For about $55 I got....

- Vintage white beaded gloves
- Vintage floral negligee-minidress
- High waisted navy skirt
- Navy-striped boat necked shirt
- Vintage gold buttons
- Framed Alphonse Mucha print
- Vintage woven tapestry purse
- Vintage gold jewelry box
- Vintage blue pleated blouse
- Vintage navy-inspired romper
- Wooden jewelry box for necklaces
- Pressed flowers in glass
- Two wooden-box wall decorations with flowers
- Vintage copy for the Rubaiyat, which I've been waiting to read for FOREVER! With original illustrations by Edmund Dulac. *o*
- Vintage copy for Grimm's Fairy Tales with color illustrations
- Vintage blue boyfriend cardigan with gold trim
- Vintage black dress with beaded embellishments
- Vintage Nine West tan grannie heels
- Floral cropped wool sweater
- Vintage pink prairie dress with a pleated collar

Not such a shabby spread, if you ask me yourself.

Mini Daffodils growing in my room make me happy. <3

Playing FF12 in hopes of finishing before FF13. /crosses fingers

Day to night outfit transformation for ClosetBug post.

A dress I recently bought! A design Rodarte made for Target.It's BEAUTIFUL!!!

That's all I can think of! So...good bye! If you still want to keep in touch for whatever reason, I'm pretty good with emails so just shoot me one at lacefrills (at) GMAIL.COM or add me on Facebook

personal, end

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