; I can't forget you

Nov 11, 2009 02:16


So far, so good. I suppose you gcould say. Met a few people; nice enough. A girl called Talia; seems to like books, pretty face. Logan; not much of a talker but definitely with the cryptic moko mojo stuff. I don't really know what his deal is. He liked warnings.

Jane said it's pretty quiet around here a lot, I'm starting to get that whole 'what's going on' thing mixed with some cabing fever. Not that I'm twitchy, not really. It's cool here, literally for the others. But I don't mind.

There's a rumour flying wild about some bounty hunter trying to whack some pyrokinetic and some blond smuck getting in the way. Don't know what the hell's going down there but hey, can't be good.

I'm missing my beef jerky like woah. But mom said cut it down, so I guess cold turkey is how it's working. I'm so ironic I make myself l-o-l. You know what else I miss, TV. The stupid REC room has a max. cap. in place. Which blows if you wanna chill out when others a chilling.

Can't be too horrible though, right? Lets think of the alternatives. A proper job? Chomper and Mars going for long runs every morning? Being a bottle blond? You know I'd actually be a pretty hot blond.

Something to think on. Since the crazy redheaded chick is totally out of a bottle too.

diary; private

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