I am thankful for all of you. Everyday even though It isnt expressed everyday. Everday I am thankful

Nov 25, 2004 14:11

So today I didnt want to wake up but I made myself get out of bed.

Thanksgiving lunch for us is so out of the ordinary... We had corn, the gravy we had was from KFC, not all of our glasses matched, our plates matched, we used folded paper towels for napkins, we had 4 different kinds of chairs [computer chair, living room chairs, and 2 types of regular chairs], our silverware didnt match, and the things we put our food in didnt match. Either way, my immediate family came together and we were all civil. Nobody fought we just laughed at stupid stuff and retarded stories. I love my thanksgivings. I love my family. I love how nothing is ever perfect on our tables. I love watching my family eat and not fight. Im sorry for all the people who arent thankful for their families. Im sorry for people who dislike thanksgiving. Im sorry for all the people who cant be satisfied with how their family radiates impefection. But I know Im not one of those people. I love my family.

Because I didnt list all the people I am thankful for here are the people that I am thankful for [that even read this thing... Im not gonna type everyone... that'd take days :P]. If you arent on here again, Im terribly sorry but if you know me well enough, you know that I am very forgetful and all that stuff...

Davio-Even though you dont think that you mean that much to anyone or you dont believe that you are that great, you are to me. I am thankful for you.

Elias-You're always there when I need to talk about something and you make me laugh all the damn time. You're such a nice person. I am thankful for you.

My brother-I could write a novel on how much I love you brother. You are amazing. You make me so happy even when we dont talk or get along Im just happy knowing that you're my brother. I love you. I am thankful for you.

Mikey-Mikey! You're great, Im mean to you sometimes but you know I love you. Im still gonna get you that birthday present however late it is. You mean so much to me as well. I am thankful for you.

Brad-Oh man. You've been nothing but good to me since I met you. You've introduced me to the majority of your friends and let me be a part of your everyday life in doing so. You're so nice to me and are so forgiving about everything that I have done that you dont like. I am thankful for you.

Owen-!! You are hillarious. O jeez, you always make me laugh and you're super nice to everyone. I dont think I've ever seen you mad or really upset even and that makes me so happy. I am thankful for you.

Lalo-lover! haha Even though we dont hang out as much as we did when we first met I still care about you all the same. You've always been nice to me and made me feel good about myself. "dont ever lose that jiggle" *dances* :) I am thankful for you.

Tabitha-You're hillarious and always make me feel like I dont suck lol I love the random I love you texts. They're so darling. I am thankful for you.

Lauren-Ahh lauren! you're so sweet. You're hillarious with ur partner in crime up there ^ You guys make things so much more interesting for all of us. I am thankful for you.

Andrew N.-If I didnt know you, who'd rip your ass like I do?! Nobody! haha You're hillarious and you have your own way of making everyone feel appreciated. I am thankful for you.

Lucy-I dont know what I'd do without you Lucy. From the begining you've been such an amazing friend to me and you have no idea how much I appreciate everything youve done for me however how big or small your actions. Mhm I love you. I am thankful for you.

Amanda-Even though I hardly ever see you anymore outside of choir, You still are one of my best friends. You are such a weirdo! haha You crack me up. I love you. I am thankful for you.

Will-You're such a great friend. You're so nice to me and even after stupid shit that I've put you through you've still managed to put up with me. You know that Im here if you ever need anything. I am thankful for you.

Zack-However intersting and slightly out of place compliments you give me, you never fail to make me feel good about myself. You're so nice for always making sure that you're friends didnt hurt my feelings and for always making me feel like Im appreciated. I am thankful for you.

Jezzica-You're an amazing person. You're so beautiful and you're so nice to everyone. Im really sorry that you arent as happy as you used to be and I wish I could help. I love you. You're a great person and I am thankful for you.

Mike T-You're such a weirdo!! haha You always want to hang out with me and thats not something that I get from alot of people. You always make me laugh and its super easy to talk to you about stuff. I am thankful for you.

Chelsea!-Oh my goodness. I love you so much chelsea. You're such a beautiful amazing and hillarious person. You're such a great person. I love how when I hang out with you Im always in a great mood. You make it so hard not to be when Im around you. I love you. I am thankful for you.

Brittany M-You're my oldest friend. From the begining things have been unstable with me and you but yet we've managed to overcome any issues we come by. You're such an interesting character haha I love you. I am thankful for you.

Gavin-You're so hillarious and you're so nice and talented. You manage to do more, in this one year, than I've ever allowed myself to be invlolved in, in high school in 2 years. You have beliefs and you dont let people talk bad about something when you dont agree without a fight. Thats a good thing, expressing you're thoughts and feelings. I love you. I am thankful for you.

Jorge-No matter how long something is that I need to talk about you're always there for me whenever I need to talk. You are super understanding about everything and anything and yet have your own point of view to share with me. I appreciate you. I am thankful for you.

Paige-Even though we dont talk much and we dont really talk for long when we do talk, I still think you're a great person. I am thankful for you.

Chris-I dont know anyone that makes me feel better about myself more than you. You manage to make me feel important every single day. In the somewhat short time that I've known you I know you better than I know most of the people that I see on a daily basis. You're so important to me. I am thankful for you.

Jay-Baby, I know that things seem weird and we havent talked for a while. I miss you. I love you. You're sooo Important to me. I know we dont always get along the best and stuff but nonetheless you're one of my best friends. I love drinking coffee with you and staying up all night. We should do that sometime again. I love you Jay no matter what, dont ever question it. I am thankful for you.

Everyone else that either doesnt read my journal or I dont talk to very much and I didnt list. I am thankful for you.
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