snagged from
shewasacutie 1. Pick 15 of your favorite tv shows.
2. Go to IMDB, and find a quote from each show.
3. Post them here for everyone to guess.
4. Strike it out when someone guesses correctly, and put who guessed it and the show
5. NO GOOGLING/using IMDB search functions.
1. Make up sex... nice
2. I asked you a question!
- If I were you I would duck
3. Know what? Got more than 1 syllable, too much talking. That’s me from now on. One syllable *****. Yes, no, love, hate, love…
4. I thought you sold airplane parts!
- I don't sell airplane parts. I never sold airplane parts
5. I can’t imagine how you must feel right now. I mean, I’ve thought about telling you a thousand times.
- You have? Me? What?
- Sorry. I just...I just keep picturing you in that dress with the cupcakes on it.
6. This may sound strange but, your father’s last few weeks, his death, it can be beautiful if you let it be.
- Sure, piece of cake.
- I’m not saying it’s not tragic for you, I’m just saying…y’know, death is the one thing that connects us all. It reminds us that what’s really important is who we’ve touched, and y’know, how much we’ve given. It makes us realize that we have to be good to one another. See your father, he’s the real hero. Not me.
7. - Thats fine, take your time.
- You seem cheerful.
- I'm getting my groove back, I'm getting jiggy with it, I'm getting down with the get down.
8. Remember, we only make others feel bad to make you feel good.
9. - I want Amy to belong. I feel like I never really did.
- *** you belong. You belong with me. Don't you get it? You're my soulmate.
10. - I can't stand it. This is so unhealthy. ****, please. Put down that cup of coffee. You do not want to grow up to be like your mom.
- Sorry, too late
11. The last time I held her in my arms she was only a child. Over the years I tried to stay close, just out of sight in case she needed me, and tonight she did. Mick St. John - Monnlight guessed by
colorito 12. - You've been gone how long now?
- Ten years.
- Right. I think it was two weeks before my 18th birthday that you left. Yes, I'm quite sure because I remember getting those roses, thinking they were for my birthday, but they weren't. They were a good-bye present as in, good-bye I'm no longer in your present. Nick and Hannah - October Road guessed by
colorito 13. Me, and my pathetic miserable existance. He left six months ago. He was a loser! Do you know he peed a little bit every time he coughed? Like an incomptent old woman. He smelled like pee. And there I was in the car crying, and I am a serious feminist.
14. Just when I think I'm out, they pull me back in
15. - He's gone you can let go now.
- I know... but I don't want to.
No show is repeated! I swear!