Oct 20, 2006 21:06
Lost this season is getting better and better! Back to s1 style uh? Am I the only one thinking this? Anyway this Locke centric episode was reall good and I was kinda shocked seeing what he was involved with... that is why he knows how to create a drug with anything he can find on the island. It was good having Boone back! Oh and btw did anyone noticed that there was not the "girl on the back looking on her reflection in the mirror" that you could see in the trailer, I think the canadian one? And was it Mr Eko working with the fertilizer? He looked like his but I couldn't stop the video on the right moment so I'm not sure... but I'm pretty sure that when Mike and Jan are preparing to leave there's a page on the computer and there's a Hanso picture!!!! Am I right???
Veronica Mars I loved all the LoVe scene but the rest?? I'm really unsatified with VM this year... I dunno I really don't find it exciting... loved also the Eli part, he's too sweet but where's Mac??? Where's Wallace???
Grey's Anatomy A little less interesting episode but always really good! I really think they should quit this Meredith/Derek thing... let them make a choise and let's end it please! That's the less interesting part! Now I wanna know how comes Danny had so many money!!!! And finally someone told Izzi that she's not fine and that she should really stop saying it, Burke was great there! He wants so much to have his hand full recovered and he can't stand her giving up like that.
Vanished I've seen the pilot and I found it quite good! But I read the network has a doubt to confirm it... they'll show the first 13 episodes and see how they rate and then decide wether or not to confirm it. I hope they will!
Runaway as alsway they close what I like right? Come on!!! at least give me all the episodes you've done! I wanna know something more than this!!! Give me a stupid end!
Gilmore Girls I keep loving Christopher more and more! It's not like I don't like Luke but he's acting like a real ass!!! I totally hate him right now! He could fight for Lorelai but he chose to give it up and Christopher played it really good. And he's really sweet, I've always thought he really loved Lorelai from the beginning and now that I'm seeing the first episodes again I can really tell there was always some chemistry between them so unless Luke decides to change his attitude I hope L/C will end together. Oh and please show me more Logan ok? More Rory/Logan scene becouse the sex with text messages scene was the best ever!
veronica mars,
gilmore girls,
grey's anatomy