Oct 12, 2006 08:49
Gilmore Girls I'm loving the Rory-Logan relationship with text messages and also Lane and Zach. I'm totally hating Lorelai... WTH are they making??Luke's an ass.... it's all his fault and he did it all becouse of April who seems to be disappeared in this season... Loreli and Chritopher now seems to be the future... I like Chris but these two are not meant to be.
Veronica Mars what's up with the show? This is not the usual VM... They should really stop introducing new characters and focus on the old instead... We've barely seen Logan, Wallace nor Mac... And what about Keith? 10 minuts on screen in two episodes? Come on!!! Give me back the old VM
Lost This third seaosn is freaking good for now! Way better than the second season. The first 5 minuts of the season premiere were amazing! I'm really curious to find out more about the plan of the others.
Runaway this is one of the new shows I'm watching and I really like it, it's a lot like Prison Break but I like it anyway... I hope it will not be cancelled becouse of the low rates...
Prison Break The writers are so genious... All this deaths are really freking me out but in a good way. I'm always thinking that there's noone that they can eliminate anymore but they always do.... I just wish my fab4 remain alive: Linc, LJ, Michael and Sara.
Grey's Anatomy Good as always... I really can't wait to see next episode but let's speack of the old ones... I'm loving all the characters but my fav are always Christina, George and Izzi. I miss Danny soo much..
veronica mars,
gilmore girls,
grey's anatomy,
prison break