Ok, I've been doing this for a week, cause I didnt feel like finishing it, but well,
yesterday's last Matt-Caroline scene was aaw <3 so I decided to finish it ahahah.
Ok it's about some damon/katherine/elena and matt/caroline scenes from the
first to episodes. There are also like 3 or 4 scenes more that I really love from
the first episode.
Spoilers under the cut
Earlier. On the porch. We were talking, all cathartic, feelings exposed. Como on, we kissed, Elena.
Ok, I dont have time for this Damon.
Hey, if you want to forget it happened, fine. But I cant.
You gotta be kidding me
Isn't he cute?
(hell yes he is)
I've been around for a long time Bonnie, you're gonna have to do better.
Just tell me what you're doing here. Maybe I missed you. Is that an acceptable reason?
What game are you playing? Why, you wanna play with me?
I dont know. How can I play if I dont know the rules? No rules Stefan. Dont you remember? No rules.
We should be able to talk about this, Damon, we're close enough now. I really wanna know how you're doing
I kissed you, I thought you kissed me back. Doppelganger hijinks ensued. How do you think I'm doing?.
I think that you're hurt.Hmm, oh, I dont get hurt Elena
No, you dont admit that you get hurt, you get angry and then you do something stupid
You're scared, you think that Katherine's gonna send me off the deep end, dont you? I dont need to hurt for that.
You know why... why is such a sorprise that I would kiss you? That's not a surprise.
I'm surprised that you thought I'd kiss you back. Now, I'm hurt.
So what it's gonna be? Fight to death? Go ahead, take your threats, stake your claim. I'm not gonna fight you.
Why? I'd fight me. Katherine is gonna try to play us against each other You do know that, right?
Brother, dont you worry. Our bond is unbreakable
Kiss me or kill me.
Brief pause. I have a question. Answer it and it's back to fires and rocket's red glare. Answer it right and I'll forget the last 145 years
I've spent missing you. I'll forget how much I loved you, I'll forget everything and we can start over. This can be our defining moment.
Because we have time, that's the beauty of eternity. I just need the truth, just once.
Stop, I already know your question and its answer. The truth is that I never loved you. It was always Stefan.
That's me, your trusty bodyguard, calm in a crisis. Have you been drinking? And you're upset, thats not a good combination.
No, I'm nut upset. Upset is an emotion specific to those who care. Come on Damon, that's a lie, you care.
You're surprised that I thought that you'd kiss me back? You cant imagine that I'd believe that you'd want to? Damon...
That what we've been doing here means something? You're a liar Elena. There's something going on between the two of us,
and you know it, and you're lying to me, and you're lying to Stefan, and almost all, you're lying to yourself. I can prove it.
Damon, dont. What's wrong with you? Lie about this. Stop it. You're better than this come on. That's were you're wrong.
No, no, no, no, Damon. I care about you. Listen to me, I care about you. I do, but... I love Stefan. It's always gonna be Stefan.
What are you doing here? I came to see if today's basket-case period had expired.
Maybe you sould just go, cause my mom's gonna be home soon. No, you've been dodging me all day.
I mean, I am more insecure than you are now. What do you mean? It means that you almost died, and it really freaked me out.
And it got me thinking , you know, cause I'm just... I'm not in a position where I can lose someone else right now. I realized that
even though today I wanted to throttle you, I'm pretty sure that I'm in love with you, and now it seems like you dont feel the same way.