...Yes, it is. In some countries... and religions ;o)
- I suppose many of you have seen Dan's mug on this magazine. Fact: I used to buy this mag faithfully in my teen years, um, that mumblemumble years ago. Now, I'm willing to buy and send about 8 of you [and the rest of you, if you want to :o) Yes kundalakesi, Miss Touching-Dan's-Forearm-In-Inappropriate-Ways; you're the first of the 8] a copy of this mag, provided you send me your full snail mail address and name, of course. No, I'll not divulge it under threat of death. Well, I'll probably would since I'm a wuss that way but I'll take my chances; you would understand, won't you? :oD
Oh, and leave me a comment please, so that I can. Count. Yeah.
And I'm buying this mag for myself for the Franz Ferdinand poster. Really.
- So, I have the invites for the following. Again, comment/email me with your wants :o)
a. Hundreds and hundreds of Gmail accounts (Does anyone need this anymore?)
b. One invite Golden Ticket for a blog at Wordpress.com. It uses WordPress (duh) and it's free. Tell me why you want it that bad :o)
- Seriously, I twitch at the thought of writing H/Hr fanfic again but I really need to do something this year after last year's 101 100 words of H/Hr. I collect postcards, and have loads of them all over the place. So, here's my idea:
a. Send me your addys.
b. Wait endlessly for a postcard that may or may not arrive. From me, natch :o)
c. Read it and don't be alarmed if I address you as Harry or Hermione. Stay with me, it gets better.
d. You will then realise that it's about 50ish words long, that the above-mentioned are fictional, and that you are part of an ongoing H/Hr postcard chain. From me :o)
I miss sending letters and postcards around the world and this is my tiny way to get back in the game and have some HP fun too.
Do drop your addys at qui.viveATgmail.com and state your intention. I hope I didn't mess up or confuse you much on the stuff here :oD Talk to you all soon!