It's more like 5 x 3 Things.
5 Things: I Like
- That Dean finally Sam grow up/take the lead/be the man. It's not surprising really as Dean has been promising Sam this numerous times and in various near-death experience so I wasn't counting on him to go though it really. But Dean did and Sam saved the day. And I'm really glad that it was Sam.
- The return of smart!Dean. Dean must have read Dante's Inferno in Divine Comedy. The ninth circle of Hell, with the traitors waist-deep in the lake of ice. Or he's finally trusting his gut instincts for once. Still, from the constant turning-to Bobby from the boys, I'm surprised he didn't know of the possibility of Lucifer being there.
- This. By lavendergaia via donna_c_punk. Too bad he didn't stay dead.
- I think the past 5 seasons is about the Winchester Test. Kripke/God/Chuck found out pre-Pilot about the angels and demons misdeeds (Azazel, Lucifer, etc.) on the Winchesters, playing god when they shouldn't. So He went down, hung around the Farsis and placed his chess pieces on the board. I choose to believe that it to take into account the lapses in continuity and comprehension because well, Kripke/God/Chuck took a human sickee sometimes; He has issues. Family wins, or should win over all else. United we stand, blah, blah. It's not about the fights, or which side wins or loses.
- The Impala homage and pre-show canon. I like it. The little 'blemishes', Sam and Dean time-outs and her (it must have been) role at the end. This image below of the boys under the stars and not saying anything would stay with me for a very long time. Also, I love how this scene focussed on Sam, then Dean.
5 Things: I Found Lacking
- Castiel and Bobby should have remained dead. I'm fine with them staying dead. In a war, there should be losses; if Ellen and Jo are found dead-worthy, then so should these two. Castiel is fan-service and Bobby should not be the answer to everything; he wasn't in Season 1 and he became the show-and-tell mouthpiece from then on.
- What happened to Bobby's sell-your-soul deal? I'm afraid that since they left this open, it might be a plot thing in Season 6. Oy. Then again, I miss Crowley and would not mind the snarky-shouty one being back.
- The Dean whumpage. I think other would agree that Dean got beaten way too much this season, and I'm sick of it. Go back to wousy paper-cuts and manly owwies.
- Dean's apple-pie life tack-on. I get that Sam wants Dean to move on with his life, and the distraction of existing, fatherless Braeden family might be useful for Dean. But I'm not too bothered by this as I know that Dean would find this lacking and would eventually leave them in Season 6. I would like him to find his own family and not segue into an existing one.
- Adam as the vessel for Michael. I wish they would have stuck with Dean as Micheal's vessel but doing that would make both brothers in Hell. Been there, escaped it for one of them. The issue I have with this is Adam's resurrection. Following the same logic, it means that TPTB can resurrect any dead person from the Winchester lineage; even John. Just fail, and I can't get pass this.
5 Things: I Assume
- That was human!Sam at the end. I think it was really Sam at the end, with the full memories from Hell. I bet JP was given full reign on how to react in that scene, leaving the possibilities open for anything-goes. With both Lucifer and Michael in Hell, Kripke/God/Chuck find no reason in keeping their vessels. Adam would, well, remain dead because he was and Sam would return having done his job. With added adjustments.
- Sam would leave Dean alone for 1.5 eps max and then the boys would meet-up. What, they want a fan-riot in their hands? Besides, we already did the brothers-apart earlier this season and that went well.
- Castiel is head angel honcho but he's bored. Hence, the trips down stairs. If they have him in both male and female vessels, they just might get away with it.
- Lisa/The Braedens finding Sam and asking him to take Dean away. Because she don't have the heart to kick him out. Why not? I expect being a broody, PTSD Dean after-the-event anyway.
- Season 6 will be SPN's last season. They have run longer than anyone expected, and I want them to have the gumption to end when it's good rather than wanting. I don't have a high opinion of their writing team (fan-service, memory farts, whatnot) and the inconsistencies are inexcusable at times (treatment of women roles and characters, hello). Be courageous, TPTB.
I'm fine with the show ending here, just as I ended The X-Files at the end of Season 5 in my mind. It's a reasonable finale and was better than I expected (low expectations, yeah). I like the ep enough that I don't mind rewatching it. The rest of Season 5, eh, not so much. I live in hope that Season 6 will have aspects of Season 1 and 2. Not a bad finale, SPN.
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