5 Things That Attest I'm Still Alive
- Officially stayed at the new flat for a month now. Other than finding out that there is always something new to need and have (Latest thing: A round container for condensed milk), I'm doing fine. As an old friend mentioned yesterday, there's nothing like living in your own four-walled prison ;)
- Started another Twitter account for sporadic Supernatural fics in tweet length. With my crap attention span nowadays, I thought this might keep me interested.
- Informed by my office HR that I'd taken 8 days of medical leave since working at the new place for the last 8 months. That's averaging one day per month. I find that telling in some way.
- Financially stressed by all the house-related things. I'm told this is normal but as I am me, it's been rather unsettling. The upcoming Ramadan and Eid il-Fitr are not helping in that way too.
- Spending more quality time with Sis and her family. Despite the fact that we stayed with them for the last several years, I feel that we are not just passing ships anymore. We both make an effort to stay in touch weekly, and I've been going out on weekly outings with them whenever I can.
Hope everyone is well. Though I don't post much, I do read your posts daily. You have more interesting things written, for sure :)