Title: Corruption Pairing: Kangin/Leeteuk Genre: Angst Rating: NC-17 Disclaimer: I don’t own them. Summary: Leeteuk gets mad and Kangin gets mad and they fuck. Period.
what?! why are you angry?? at me?? *freezes in horror* anyway, teukie should ride not on Siwon but on Kangin, then I'm confident there'll be thousands kangteuk smut posted in miracle :P
hmmm.... i agree to that! *nodsnods* when i watched the SS fancam where he rode on siwon *wait a minute.... that sounds wrong... XDDD*, I thought.... Man, Kangin should've been there....
if it were Kangin who was in Mr.Muscle's position at that SS, I would be dead now. In pleasure. And no regret with that. but I can't die till kangteuk actually reunion!!
why am i angry anyway???
so. it's hot.
next smut please... hehehe *pervert reader*
anyway, teukie should ride not on Siwon but on Kangin, then I'm confident there'll be thousands kangteuk smut posted in miracle :P
hmmm.... i agree to that! *nodsnods* when i watched the SS fancam where he rode on siwon *wait a minute.... that sounds wrong... XDDD*, I thought.... Man, Kangin should've been there....
me misses kangin as much as teuki.... *sigh*
if it were Kangin who was in Mr.Muscle's position at that SS, I would be dead now. In pleasure. And no regret with that.
but I can't die till kangteuk actually reunion!!
we can see kangteuk again in....2013.
*balled fist*
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