This Weekend

Oct 31, 2005 08:58

What a weekend. There aren't even words for all of the things that occured ... but I'll take a stab at it.

Friday - Worked in the morning, met with my advisor (who didn't agree with my class selection because I'm not taking one of her classes), went back to work for the inservice at night, and then to Gina and Amy's party. We played lots of games, had delicious food, and I realized that I can never smoke, because the action makes me feel like a gay man. Must be too much correlation with my Jeff imagery. There was bobbing (or boobing, as per my last entry) for apples and there was much rejoicing.

Saturday - Wake up slightly groggy at 10, but I couldn't sleep, so I watched Hocus Pocus and waited for Christ to wake up. I started my laundry and mundane routine tasks. I was annoyed when we didn't hear anything about SEF ritual by noon time. We had lunch (I've been really clumsy lately, I spilt an entire glass of milk all over the counter) and then game up here, surprised at the messages. It seemed that we had no ride to the ritual, but we could take the commuter rail and just beg for rides back home. We decided, very last minute, that this would be what we would do.

We hurry to get some money at the atm (I take out 40 dollars and my receipt says I overdrew by 2.54 ... a little over the amount of the fee for taking out money from a different branch atm). I'm frustrated, angry, and annoyed at all of the hurring, pushing and prodding. I'm not having the best day in the world and I'm grumpy.

We get on the train, there's some confusion as to where we are sitting, which, again, is annoying. I call my parents and ask for some money, which was slightly upsetting. We're not sure which stop we have to get off at, and we spend most of the time looking at the accumulating snow gathering on the fields outside of our window.

Finally, already late for the 530 start of the ritual, we arrive at the Grafton t-stop. Jason (whom Christ and I have a teensy little crush on) and another guy were picking us up. 6 of us. In a 5 person sedan that was already holding two people. So we started to squeeze in, Elizabeth first, then Christ, then me, then Alex. The door was still open, as Gina was figuring out what to do, when the car started pulling away. I thought, wow, Jason, pulling away from Gina, leaving her out in the snow, funny! Except, Jason wasn't doing anything. There are many different theories on what exactly happened (I think it had a little bit to do with the fact that there were people sliding up in the front seat that might have stepped on a peddle or switched gears, or that the fact that the car was electronic and might have just malfunctioned), but the end result was that the car was moving on its own. And gaining speed. The engine was revving, and to avoid the catastrophe of going onto the train tracks or hitting another car, Jason decided to turn the wheel. We were travelling around the other cars, gaining speed. We made a big arch to avoid an island and then, Alex was gone. The door was still open and she was sucked out. Soon, I realize that, fuck, I'm next, and I get sucked out of the car.

That's right, folks. I was thrown from a moving vehicle.

So, I land with a thud. Raoul says he thinks I rolled, I'm not sure... all I know is that I hurt like a mofo later on that night (especially my right elbow, which makes me think that's where I landed). So I'm lying in a huge puddle, completely drenched (my stuff all strewn about (My iPod broke in the Kerfluffle)), when I realize that the car has stopped and is about to reverse. And I realize that Alex and I are directly in it's path. I pull myself up and shout to Alex, tell her to get up, get out of the fucking way, when Jason manages to turn the damn thing off.

I apparently, according to Elizabeth, immediately start to shake. She sits me down. It takes me a second to realize that I'm not dead, and that I'm not severely injured. And then I hear that Alex is bleeding and I come to. I'm an EMT, I need to help her.

So I look really quickly at Alex and realize that we need to get to SEF quickly, so we can 1) get out of our wet clothes and 2) clean up her wounds.

Jason tells us to get back into the car. I almost laugh right in his face. I'm not getting back into that fucking thing.

But we did. We started the car and nothing strange happened, so we all pilled back in, wet injured and adrenaline pumping, and made it to SEF. I took care of Alex's wounds, along with many other people from SEF, got some ice for my elbow, got a warm, dry robe from Debbie the Elder, and took part in the ritual. It was a gorgeous ritual bout the descent of Persephone, and (being one of my patronesses) I was v. happy. In pain, but happy. Alex and I were the center of attention, which sort of made me uncomfortable, and people helped us out with our plates, piled high with a delicious assortment of goodies.

We left with Christine and Jon. Elizabeth and Alex went to the hospital. They wanted me to go as well, but I figured I would be fine. In retrospect, it probably would have been a good idea to get some painkillers, but I didn't want to call my mom and be like, "I'm at Beth Isreal, I fell out of a moving car, but I'm fine". So I figured I'd go to SHS if I had any trouble with it later on.

Jon was here, waiting for me, and helped me so much. I was so incredibly sore. When I got into my pajamas and called my parents, the emotions just hit me and I cried and cried. It was weird ...I had no reason to cry, because I was taking care of Alex, and the Reiki the SEF members had done on us was really powerful and took away some pain, made me feel very warm. But after all of that, right before bed, it hit me ... and he rocked me while I cried.

We managed to get some sleep, although I was very uncomfortable and rolled about the entire night. I sleep on my arm, but it was too painful, due to my elbow.

Sunday - A really long day at Salem (got some nice stuff) and then Mia's party, where we learned a LOT about Kate (damn it I meant Kate, everyone).

Monday - well, that's this morning ... nothing has happened ... yet

Happy Halloween and Merry Samhain everyone! I have a new appreciation for being healthy, safe and alive this new year. I hope everyone has a blessed, wonderful day.

I love you all.

sef, samhain, falling out of a car, mia's party, gina's party

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