La, la, la - what's that? Louder? OK - LA, LA, LA

Feb 23, 2005 00:56

Just about to head for bed, but getting kind of addicted to this LJ thing (see if the novelty wears off in a week or two..).

More satisfying progress at work today but dodging snow showers. The weather (sun/pending storm/snow/sun/pending storm/snow etc..) and the panoramic view to see it with reminded of the Stan Rogers lyric "you can see it come for miles, so you guess you've got a while".

Well we pulled the hat brim and the nice large blue tarpaulin down and got quite a bit done inside. Rest of blockwork for the utility, removed temporary partition screen that was keeping the weather out before the tarp went up, put in the joist hangars and the joists for the rest of the bathroom floor and cut the ceiling joists for the lean to bit at the back of the building. All coming on nicely but still too treacherous to risk taking the roof off. Sooner or later I'll have to include some piccies here (or a link) so you can see what I'm up to.

Got home, ate a quick tea, played with Ellie and Jared for a bit, then ran J off to cubscouts. Then back quick to get changed and go out to choral practice in Grantham. I got asked a couple of months ago if I would help bolster the men's section in the town choral society as they were a bit low on numbers and like a fool I didn't immediately say no. Yes, I know I'm already overcommitted timewise but it was a challenge, something I'd not done before and music.... (I keep telling myself it's only for this *one* concert..). It is kind of fun, however, despite having used my voice to sing with since childhood, the level of control I'm finding I need to have and the amount of effort that it takes is coming as a bit of a surprise.

I know that there are several of you out there who have done a lot of this type of singing (not least the members of nMC) so I'm bracing myself for a few "yep we've got a stack of T-Shirts" comments. I take my virtual hat off to those of you who can...

Anyway, we got through the whole piece for the first time tonight after 8 weeks of practising various blocks in detail. Wow. What a piece of music. I think I need to temper my volume though - after one section we went back and had another run with the instruction "I need more from the basses here, really go for it" I got a raised eyebrow and look of surprise for my efforts - I think I may need to *blend* more....Well he *did* say Go For It :-)

For anyone who is interested: Grantham Choral Society - Rossini - Petite Messe Solennelle - St Wulframs Church, Grantham - March 12th at 7:30pm

Darn this LJ thing, just noticed the time. Early up in the morning - time to pumpkin - Night all...
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