Fingers Crossed and Breath Held

Nov 07, 2008 00:49

OMG - was at work this lunch when the radio news announced the Bank of England's unprecedented decision to cut interest base rate by 1.5% to 3% in an attempt to try to kick start public spending and revive the stalling economy.

Truth be told, my jaw dropped (I always thought that was just a turn of phrase) and I caught my breath.

Speaking as someone with finance on our holiday cottage business, finance on our building plot for the new house as well as a rental outgoing on the cottage we live in, this could be really welcome news and could have a seriously positive effect on the household finances.

The only pause for concern is as to whether the greed and shareholder-focus of the financial institutions will derail the rate cut and stop it reaching our monthly mortgage payments.

Hence the baited breath and crossed digits...
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