Jan 17, 2005 19:46
another fun weekend with friends.
friday: ok, so maybe not that much fun. pretty much sat at home and did nothing. friday doesn't count as part of the weekend anyway.
saturday: skated downtown. i'm too lazy to recall everything that happened. but my board snapped. that sorta sucked. it's still skatable. i also shot a whole roll of film (except for a few shots that eric took). wee!!! skated a hard but fun gap that went into the street. weee!!! oh yeah, and there was also "everbody's doin' it switch! yeah, yeah, yeah!" long story. came home, and went back downtown (after some deliberation at a bowling alley) with eric, kelli, taryn, heather, josh, and julio. didn't get to night skate or anything because we didn't have our boards. LAME. but we pretty much just walked around the levee. we also ran around in a michael myers mask. and i train hopped and almost died. sweet! i felt like a hobo. speaking of hobos, we talked to a bum at the u.s.s. kidd/war memorial dealie. hilarious. so he staggers up and offers us a smoke. we all politely decline, and he decides to take a seat next to taryn. there's some various conversation about his 30+ years boxing, the heating at the group home he lives in, and how america is going to hell. "america...beautiful america....land o' the scoundrels." also, there was something in there about panhandling and jehova. i love downtown at night.
sunday: woke up, showered, went over to eric's to play baldur's gate. we sat around his house all day doing literally nothing except looking for something to do that night. pretty boring.
today: to begin with, i'd like to say that martin luther king, jr. was a really good guy, and central private should just admit that a black man did something good and call it martin luther king day instead of this "human relations" crap. agh. but anyway, woke up today and went to old navy with ashley to get a shirt for jordan's birthday present. went to the mall just for mas pizzeria, because their pizza is awesome. came home, got on the horn, and it as decided we shall skate the apartments. SHREDDING IN CENTRAL! i put that as eric's away message one time and i haven't been able to use it since. i thought it would work well here. so yeah, we skated the apartments. that was fun. and then got some dollar general food. that was cool. and then went to mcdonald's. that was most uncool. some would even go as far as to say heinous. but then we skated zoar and that was pretty cool. and then i came home and now i'm eating chicken spaghetti, which is very cool.
and that was my weekend. wahoo.