man, it's almost been a week since i've updated. to make up for it, i've come with more picutres.
sooo...we sorta tried skating this thing. after a while of eric slamming into the ground, we figured it would probably be a good idea to quit.
here's the ghetto bank ramp set-up we had. we probably skated this the most out of anything.
this didn't come out as good as i had hoped it would...michael front-boarding the monster of a box we built.
the moster of a box. dimensions? 18" high, 4' wide, 7' long. so basically, too big to do anything on at this point.
sorta artsy, but mostly crappy.
so you're probably wondering what that is. it bears a striking resemblence to hair doesn't it? THAT'S BECAUSE IT IS. YOU WANNA KNOW WHOSE HAIR IT IS?!! YEAH, IT'S MINE. eric got the bright idea to stick tacky in my hair. thanks eric, you'll be getting paid back for that one eventually.
a panorama from a while back. eric was supposed to be in it, but the program cut him out. if you look closely on the bottom left, you can see his shadow, but no eric.
what goes here? i can never think of anything to put after posting pictures. you pretty much just saw my weekend, so i don't have much to say. OH YEAH. michael brought his old nikon and i shot a couple of rolls with it. that's right, rolls. as in film. it was amazing. i really like photography. i won't say love. just because i'm not sure if i'm ready for that much commitment yet.