Nov 16, 2012 20:43
By mstover, November 17th, 2012 12:39 AM
Till I started to get more and more assholes getting more and more hardcore on politics.
I don't mean to get riled up sometimes with politics. But dealing with a lot of idiots who got nothing better to do than to rant and rave about something that is (1) truly out of their control. And (2), most of the stuff they are ranting and raving are just purely opinions they have to heart that blossomed into "truth" into their heads. Even though it's not true or false, just a fucking opinion. Either way, it's getting to the point now I rather not even get pulled into a conversation.
Cause it usually goes like this, "Hey Driver, how's *blank* treating you?"
"Oh, not too bad. Wish I could get a break with these guys...."
"Yeah, thanks to Obamanomics (this is the NICER version I heard so far), you are being taxed way more than when we were under Bush."
Okay, I get it, I am an owner operator, therefor I run a small, tiny business. Even though I still in a sense am dependent under my current company for x number of month till I pay this truck off and am allowed to leave with it. Okay, I get it that we all want to say the Democrats Tax businesses to death and while the Republicans don't tax business to death......just the a round about way.
But for fuck sakes, I don't give a shit what your opinions are with the world when it comes to politics. Frankly, it seems politics are the scape goats of OUR fuck ups. Yeah, I said, it. OUR fuck ups. The USA have many parties to choose from. Maybe choices to make. Yet we let these two parties....both the Democrats and Republicans to run this nation as they see fit. WHY we keep getting stupid, vain, slick talking idiots? Cause we let them get away with it by only choosing one or the other. The other parties don't even get a chance to go on TV for the debates....cause they don't have the ridiculous funding needed to pay their way in the media.
I can go on and on how we keep listening to all the bullshit to the point we don't know what's real and what's shit anymore.
But one thing is for sure to me. It don't matter WHAT news channel you watch. It's just like any other business. It's got somebody pumping money into that have his/her own interest in mind and WILL see to it that his/her opinions are going to be the main focus.
Either way, there's a lot of drivers that sure live up to the stereotype of Red Necks of the super highways. And most of them throw a fit about anything but Fox News isn't real news cause all the others are just the Liberal media machine. NOT realizing they are pandering towards a blatant Conservative Media machine that is paid for by the Republican party (don't believe it? Why does it have a whole shit load of Republican politicians with their own fucking talk shows? I don't see a Democrat with his own show on Fox News....or on ANY channel.) Either way, it's another Media machine feeding you a different flavor of shit to believe in and to walk in a straight line they set out for you to walk so they can get what they want.
Either way, I am so fucking fed up talking to strangers at Truck Stops.
BUT then again, I am also tired of talking to relatives when I visit then in Indiana. My brother in law's family is nice and all with being grounded on looking at both sides. Which is what I like to do. BUT talking to them is like talking about The Packers Vs. The Saints. The conversation is like a fucking sports game. I hear lines tossed out like, "And then Romney had to say blah blah. That is going to hurt him. But then he all the sudden bounces back with blah blah and he's in the game again." Seriously? I like quoting people. But I don't quote it like as if I am talking about a player screwing up a kick off, but able to some how do a touch down.
I am ranting, sorry. But I really want to get this out of my system.
I hadn't said it, but I am so fucking glad Obama won. Granted, I would have liked someone else, like maybe Libertarian or Green Party. BUT seeing Obama won shows me that we as a nation haven't lost our minds that much. Seriously, Mitt Romney is a huge joke. They had many other highly respectable politicians who could have ran for president and I really wanted to vote for them. BUT Mitt is just an idiot. And to have people say, "SO what he's rich? He's not rich, look at his wife? She's super rich compared to him." UH, WTF does that mean you stupid, stupid, STUPID idiot? HE IS MARRIED TO HER. Therefor their WEALTH is SPREAD out between them BOTH. But that's not the reason to pass him by.
My reason to pass him by is he can flip flop blatantly in your face and not once acknowledge anything he did wrong. He blatantly on TV said a few times he feels there is NOTHING wrong with the lower and middle class families. His main focus is to fix BUSINESS. Therefor, the RICH. And to top the cherry on his shit Sunday, years ago he put his dog on top of his family station wagon. In a nearly airtight kennel. His dog was treated as nothing more than a possession that can be stored in a nearly air tight box on top of his car with his other air tight luggage. This man have NO EMPATHY. None what so ever. Would he put his child up there? Or even put his child in a nearly air tight box? Of course I would THINK. He definitely wouldn't do that to himself. But to have been caught by Canadian Customs (he was going to Canada at the time with his family for vacation) about this atrocity, and was able to walk away freely.......he have the balls to say that his dog LIKED it. Despite for those who witness this at the border said the dog was frantic.....sorry, but I can't help but feel that dog would be the USA as he drives down the interstate in glee with all our money to the bank.
There's way more dirt on this guy. But then again, who don't have dirt on anyone? Obama isn't innocent either.....but do I trust him way more than Romney? Hell yes....hell, I bet he'll be interesting to talk to on the street if I ever bump into him. He sure seems approachable. Better than these assholes with golden rods up their asses.
I lost track what I wanted to say. But what I want to say is I am just so sick of the extremes people go into for their own views and NOT realize how hypocritical they are acting. What ever happened to a middle ground?
The Republicans were not always conservatives through the generations. Nor have Democrats been purely Liberal through the generations either. Abraham Lincoln was Republican. Theodore Roosevelt was Republican. Franklin Roosevelt was a Democrat. BOTH did a lot of Social stuff that people would yell "Commie" for. But here's the kicker, both Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln was long BEFORE Franklin Roosevelt.
I am just giving out examples on how things change through the years. And it's annoying to see people look at today's political parties and try to use their current stance to view at past decisions. Sorry, but that don't work cause things were not as it were then as it is now. OH, and George Washington was LIBERTARIAN.
Either way, I could be a huge asshole and say that not only Democrats was largely against freeing the slaves during Abraham Lincoln's time. But I'll go as far and say that a lot of defected Republican and a few Democrats made up the early Klu Klux Klan. Mostly south, true. But it was and still is all across the nation though.
Ah well.
I just think we need to use our brains. Shift through the shit any form of Media gives us and try to figure things out. Cause the more extreme we get, the more shit is going to fall anyways. Finding a balance is what made us go far. We made it longer than the Roman Empire. Let's not fuck this up now.