Dec 02, 2004 01:51
Eeeeeeeek well i just got off the phone with jeremy and he found us an apartment.. it sounds great!!! we're both so excited to move in..i dont think i can hardly wait another 25 days.hes so adorable he was tellin me how hes been tryin to write me a letter to tell me all the new feelings hes feeling cuz of me and to tell me how he feels..but when he tries to write it down hes at lost for words. its too adorable!and hes tellin me how he wants to get fishies n sharkies for our apartment lol its so cute that hes plannin everything right down to the fish! i love it! :) well thats it for tonite... ill fill yas in some more when he calls me tomorrow to tell me the rest of the details!:)oh oh yes and he writes and sings n stuff and he wrote a song about meeeeee and its gonna be all ready for me to hear when i get to ontario.. im super excited!