Oct 25, 2005 10:04
Computer start log
CMO Officer recording
Lt. Michael McKinney
Stardate: 0510.23
Sunday was the birthday for Mrs. Carol once I arrived Chris and Austin greeted me out front and informed me that Val-Gal and her hubby was already inside once I heard this I ran inside to talk with them vs. talking with Candy's Chris in the parking lot as I walked over I found Taya and spoke shortly with her. Once inside and seated I ordered a sprite it seems Val was already telling me that some things were up I was worried Candy would hear and start more of a problem so I kept them quiet knowing I would find out what had happened before too long. Soon Mrs. Carol and Pam showed and Carol informed us she had been working for Lisa today. Lisa must have been tired for she did not come in and eat with us nor was there a card or cake other than the one I brought and she never saw. I gave her my gift card. She seemed pleased as it turns out Chris both Candy's and Val's got into a my jobs better than yours debate and it turned ugly. Luckly I missed that and from what Val said to mom it seems that the staff took turns going to Justin and told him that they were mad I was passed over for thought of as Store Manager. Which to me is sorta CRAZY! I just hope it does not strike Justin as a muntiny! Cause I am on my way out the door. Right now I am loving it I wanna collect all my checks and end up buying all the Star Trek stuff I want!
Well I am due into work soon I will go for now and post more another day
End Log