kathhazel was telling me recently of a post elsewhere regarding bodysnatching, and how many are of the belief it no longer happens.
Sorry to make you ill at ease peeps......
newsmax.com's recent newsletter)
Every year more than 1 million Americans have medical procedures that use bone or other tissue from a cadaver - like disk replacements or dental implants.
and they go on to point fingers....
Investigators are trying to determine if a New Jersey company, Biomedical Tissue Services (BTS) of Fort Lee, sold bone and tissue illegally obtained from corpses that were too old, sick or otherwise ineligible to be donors. BTS closed last month.
and as if that wasn't bad enough.....
So dozens of hospitals have contacted hundreds of patients around the country who got body parts traced to the company between early 2004 and September 2005. They are being offered testing for AIDS, hepatitis and syphilis.
from the same article.
Isn't it great, even in our modern world, where we are protected from all (Well protected from knowing about the nasty side of real life anyway,) our great medical expertise is often not afforded the realy sick due to someone at the top (Making the big bucks) scrimping at a few pennies because your once free healthcare now has to inflate profits for the big medical corperations.