Apr 01, 2005 20:11
Iddy-biddy makeover. I think its easier to read it this way, at least for me. Plus ego amo hic pictura! Frig. Which reminds me I left my hic, heac, hoc sheet at school.. bloody hell, which means another study spent learning (or at least trying to learn) that rap. Oh well, I dont have anything better to do anyway I guess. =]
So yeah, today I skipped school and told everyone I had a doctors appointment. (I really did, but it wasnt until 11:40 and I could have gone to school till 10:45) But instead I slept! Actually not very well. (its a girl reason, and it freakin kept me up like all night..!arugherific) Then I went and it was kinda fun. Dr. Michelle Specht is really nice, plus shes got the same name and has been to Italy too. I might consider scheduling another follow-up in a few months just to tell her about my trip.. ok, maybe not. But she is really nice. Her daughters kindergarten class has 21 other people. Im glad im healthy, im lucky im healthy, im glad your healthy, youre lucky your healthy. Flippin sweet.
Then we went all the way to Glouster or Glouchester, something like that where they shot "The Perfect Storm." My moms friend Ma--something, no one ever told me her name, took us around the town and we saw where the movie was shot and stuff. It was awesome. Lots of big, nice houses. Including Whoopi Goldbergs summer home, which wasnt as nice as I thought it would be when I heard we would see it on our little tour, but still wicked nice and on the water. (Ma-something is friends with her!) I did take pictures, and lots of them. We also went into a little bar thats in the movie, and its alot different looking after its been Hollywoodafied. There arent even any stair cases that lead upstairs like in the movie. pffft. There were alot of pictures of the actors when they were shooting the movie though. Ma--something met most of them when they were shooting the movie, this chicks got connections lemme tell ya! She said the one who plays Bobby in the movie is a jerk in real life. I dont know, he seemed pretty nice in the movie. <3 ps; if you havent seen it, borrow it from me or rent it because its wicked good+sad+ the best part is, its true. I love true movies.
We went to Ma-s. sons birthday party after that. The big 1-3. I remember when I was 13, it was a good year. Anyway the party was at a bowling alley and they even had this handicapped thingy so my sister could bowl too. It was neat, but im really bad at bowling. And I even got a goodie bag and a slinky. =] I love slinkys. The best part about them has got to be when you first get them and you go to stretch them and its like stuck together so you really have to pull it open and then it kinda makes a cracking sound-yeah, you gotta love that part.
It took only a little over an hour to get home, not bad. I looked out the window most of the way as usual. I love looking out the window, and I get mad when I have friends in the car with me because they always want to talk (sorry guys). So if we are ever in a car together and im looking out the window, dont take offense if I dont talk. Just leave me alone. (haha that sounds really mean) The only other time I dont like to be disturbed is when im painting. I should have a portable "Do Not Disturb" sign with me at all times to tape on my forehead. =/
And here I am now, HAPPY APRIL FOOLS DAY!! Its one of my favorite days of the year, and I didnt even get to celebrate it. If I had gone to school, I would have dressed up. (I planned what to wear back in December, guys) Stupid doctors appointment.. theres always next year, right? Yeah! Only 365 days to go... should be here in no time.... Worse of all I didnt even pull off any of my usual rubber snake/lizard-in-my-moms-dresser tricks. I did try to get my dad at one, but it wasnt very funny because it was too serious, (involving my doc. appt.) yeah, theres always next year. At least I have a whole year to think about what i'll do next year. I remember being probably 7 or 8 and my mom told me that the pool where we had swimming lessons like caved in or something and we couldnt go. It was indoors mind you, at the Y in EB before they did it over. I remember getting really upset because I had looked forward to it all week. lol
My leg just fell asleep. It feels tingly and kinda elasticy like its going to spring back towards me. Werd.
The weather has been beautiful. Get ready for a wet weekend. At least its not snow. I miss my childhood.
-sleepless in michelle