Dec 22, 2004 14:04
Dear December 22nd,
Today, I ventured deep into deep space 9, as some would call it. Unless I am mistaken, the last time I was in there was November 21st 2003, twas a long time ago. There, my class and I rocked out to information about Congo, Morocco and um.. what ever country Matt and his group did. In terms of entertainment, I think our group is doing the best so far.
Theres nothing really to update about, but Happy Christmas everyone! Even if you dont celebrate it, have a merry December 25th. This month went by so fast, pretty soon it'll be 2005.. aurgh and my mother is making me stay home alone on New Years when I could be going to a party.. Ive never celebrated alone before, im guessing it wont be very fun. Maybe she will get less angry at me and idk let me have a friend come over for it or something? hope so.
Not only is tomorrow the last day of school before vacation, but it is also Festivus!! (sp) hahah December 23rd woooooooooooo
You know what I dont like? The term 'x-mas'. You know why? becauseeeeeee dur, it takes the Christ out. and it is his birthday we are celebrating after all..idk.
Today I walked passed the front door, and there were a packedge of peanuts in between the front door and the house... i wonder where they came from. Maybe the neighbors are no longer elephants? probably.
Last night I did four (4) hours of homework while I was in my room. It was the boringest time like ever, but I felt good after I did it because I was happy I got it done.
what a dumb entry, bye guys