My First Mission 101 list (3/3/08- got replaced 9/30/09)

Sep 29, 2009 00:53

I decided to start a new mission 101. Its almost day 600 and I have totally different goals now. Which is kind of the point of this list, to see what is important to you and what is not.  A lot of things have changed and some are just goofy, so I will start a new one. In progress of making the list as of today. But I updated it to show myself what I did do on the list. It was kinda fun going thru it all. I am mostly going to keep the ones I havent finished yet... But want to restart it anyway.

Things I am working on
Things I have completed and Things OFF the list now for one reason or another
(Notes I make to the list)
(Another note: I will post about the things that I plan on doing in the next week at time of post)

Ongoing things (4)
  1. Blog about my progression on this at least once every week (non daily progression goals) (1/143)
  2. Make “interesting” (my)YouTube(site) video blogs about this list every week (0/143)
  3. Finish 10 things on this list in 5 weeks (5/5)
  4. Finish 10 more things on this list in 6 months (10/10 / 6/6)

Other Projects (6)
  1. Do a 

    nanowrimo (0/1)Do a 100_snapshots(0/1)
  2. Do a 50bookchallenge(0/1) (Learn a new word a day for 100 days (0/100)
  3. Keep a(n at least weekly posted) Marriage Diary (1/143)
  4. Send PostSecrets (postcards or email) (0/1)

Chores I currently need to do (11)
  1. Have professional photos taken of BOTH Casey-my husband (maulkar) and I in our wedding attire (0/1)
  2. Print up my wedding day photos and put them in the album (1/1)
  3. Make my wedding day scrapbook (and “honeymoon" and so on) (1/1)
  4. Get and put anniversary pictures in the wedding album (1/1)
  5. AND add them to the scrapbook (1/1)
  6. Print up Family/Friends Photos and get them into albums (1/1)
  7. Organize the desktop computer (pictures, videos, text documents, defrag if needed and ect.) and keep it that way (1/1)
  8. Back up the desktop (1/1)
  9. Organize the laptop same as the desktop (1/1)
  10. Backup the laptop the same way (1/1)
  11. Get the laptop repaired (1/1)

Hobbies/Interests/Creativity (8)
  1. Make 10 abstract paintings (0/10) Make 5 abstract metal sculptures (0/5) I replaced this with Ceramics now
  2. Learn basic welding so I can make the metal sculptures (0/1) Went the Ceramic Route
  3. Learn to crochet Knit (1/1)
  4. Finish the stories I started in HS (0/5)
  5. Write 20 more poems (0/20) Play the keyboard better with technique and learn 10 new songs (0/10)
  6. Learn to read music at a beginning level for proper technique (1/1)

Weight Goals (6) 
  1. Lose 10 lbs and keep going (to 180 lbs at this point) (0/1)
  2. Lose another 10 lbs and keep going (to 170 lbs at this point) (0/1)
  3. Lose 5 lbs and keep going (175 lbs at this point) (0/1)
  4. Lose another 5 lbs and keep going (160 lbs at this point) (0/1)
  5. Be 160 lbs-150 lbs and stay that way for 6 months (0/1)
  6. Be 150-155 lbs for 6 months

Fitness (4)
  1. Work out everyday for 100 days in a row (0/100)
  2. Buy a nice bike and use it for exercise 20 times (0/1) (0/20)
  3. Play Tennis for exercise 20 times (0/20)
  4. Play Volleyball for exercise 20 times (0/20)

Health (5) 
  1. Take a vitamin everyday for 100 days in a row (0/100)
  2. Drink 8 glasses of water everyday for (One week/One month) (0/1) (0/1)
  3. Keep an HONEST food diary for a month (0/31)
  4. Go (One week/One month) without eating junk food (0/1) (0/1)
  5. Go One month without fast food (0/1)

Beauty (5)
  1. Do my nightly beauty routine for 60 days in a row (1/60)
  2. Do my morning beauty routine for 60 days in a row (1/60)
  3. Get my teeth to where I want them to be (Whitened, Implant, Braces, Crown, Bridge, ect) (0/1) (0/1) (0/1) (0/1) (0/1) No way this is going to happen soon. Its frivilous.
  4. Let my nails grow and stay long for (1 month/2 months) (0/1) (0/2) I have kept my nails very short now since ceramics started
  5. Let my hair grow to the middle of my back (0/1) (How far do I have left to go... read feed to find out!)  and if you knew me, you know i chopped OFF my hair about a year ago to date (9/30/09)

Self-Improvement (5)
50.  Speak confidently to a group of over 30 people (1/1) yay for english and history 1301 classes
  1. Wake up at 9am every day for (2 weeks/A month) (2/2) (1/1) (included in 100 day challenge) again, yay for classes!
  2. Go without swearing (One day/One week/One month) (1/1) (1/1) (0/1)  I am too human to never swear for an entire month, so I'm done.
  3. Use eBay (1/1)
  4. Learn how to use Livejournal like everyone else does that uses this site a lot (1/1)

Education (8)
55.   Relearn how to use Photoshop adequately (1/1)
56.  Learn shorthand for speedy note taking (1/1)
  1. Learn Spanish (year one) (0/1)
  2. Start Spanish (year two) (0/1)
  3. Re-learn German (year one) (0/1)
  4. Re-learn German (year two) (0/1)
  5. Get one full year of credits towards Associates Degree in Business (0/1) HALFWAY DONE!!
  6. Get my Floral License (0/1)

Family/Friends (5)
  1. Have our first wedding anniversary party be a pseudo huge and fun event (1/1)
  2. Cook Christmas dinner (0/1) after hosting our anniversary party a year and a half ago, I have NO interest in do this, LOL!
  3. Take a family trip (0/1)
  4. Host a BBQ (1/1)
  5. Have our house warming party (1/1)

Life Experience (10)
68. Be in a play at the college (lone star) (0/1)
  1. Volunteer somewhere (daisy scouts, goodwill... something) (1/1) ceramic open lab assistant/empty bowls related
  2. Try a new food (1/1)
  3. Go to a masseuse (0/1)
  4. Catch a lightning bug (0/1)
  5. Go sky diving (with someone I know) (0/1)
  6. Play at least ONE game of paintball (0/1)
  7. Get my arm tattoo (0/1)
  8. Get “my” tattoo of Casey and I getting married (0/1)
  9. Go Rock Climbing (indoors) (0/1)

Travel (14)
78.  Get a Passport (0/1)
  1. Go camping for a week (0/1)
  2. Go to Disneyland/Disneyworld (0/1)
  3. Go on a cruise with Casey (0/1)
  4. Go skiing/snowboarding at the Rocky Mountains in Colorado (0/1)
  5. Go to somewhere in Texas where there is desert (0/1)
  6. Visit my dads side of the family in Florida (0/1)
  7. Swim with the dolphins (0/1)
  8. Go to California with Casey to visit friends and have fun on our own (0/1)
  9. Go to Seattle with Casey to visit friends and have fun on our own (0/1)
  10. Go to Canada and Ice skate on a frozen pond/lake/river (whatever, natural ice) (0/1)
  11. Go to SXSW again (0/1)
  12. Go to a Film Festival (0/1)
  13. Go to Six Flags over Texas (and do that big swing thing) (0/1)

Financial (5)
  1. Save enough to get our emergency fund (6 months of bills/living expenses) (0/1)
  2. Raise my credit score (0/1)
  3. Make extra payment(s) to bring amount due to current value (at time) on the Magnum (0/1)
  4. Buy a house (save for it, and find it, then buy it) (0/1)

(And maybe buy the furniture to go in the house (bedroom set, living room set, ect.)

Pay It Forward (6)
  1. Donate to charity every year (1/1) (1/1) (1/1) The charity that is Chryslar Financial, and yes it is a charity, since they got a LOT of government money.
  2. Donate blood 6 times (0/6)
  3. Send a care package to a soldier (AnySolider or friend?) (0/1)
  4. Get two people to join mission101(with me) (0/2)
  5. Get two people to join 50bookchallenge(with me) (0/2)
  6. Get two people to join 100_snapshots(with me) (0/2)

100 days: Wednesday, June 11, 2008
200 days: Friday, September 19, 2008
300 days: Sunday, December 28, 2008
400 days: Tuesday, April 7, 2009
500 days: Thursday, July 16, 2009
600 days: Saturday, October 24, 2009
700 days: Monday, February 1, 2010
800 days: Wednesday, May 12, 2010
900 days: Friday, August 20, 2010
1000 days!: Saturday, November 27th, 2010
1001 days: Sunday, November 28th, 2010

Get your milestones calculated here.

Inspiration for your list with other lists here.


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