I decided to start a new mission 101. Its almost day 600 and I have totally different goals now. Which is kind of the point of this list, to see what is important to you and what is not. A lot of things have changed and some are just goofy, so I will start a new one. In progress of making the list as of today. But I updated it to show myself what I did do on the list. It was kinda fun going thru it all. I am mostly going to keep the ones I havent finished yet... But want to restart it anyway.
Things I am working on
Things I have completed and Things OFF the list now for one reason or another
(Notes I make to the list)
(Another note: I will post about the things that I plan on doing in the next week at time of post)
Ongoing things (4)
- Blog about my progression on this at least once every week (non daily progression goals) (1/143)
- Make “interesting” (my)YouTube(site) video blogs about this list every week (0/143)
- Finish 10 things on this list in 5 weeks (5/5)
- Finish 10 more things on this list in 6 months (10/10 / 6/6)
Other Projects (6)
- Do a
nanowrimo (0/1)Do a 100_snapshots(0/1) - Do a 50bookchallenge(0/1) (Learn a new word a day for 100 days (0/100)
- Keep a(n at least weekly posted) Marriage Diary (1/143)
- Send PostSecrets (postcards or email) (0/1)
Chores I currently need to do (11)
- Have professional photos taken of BOTH Casey-my husband (maulkar) and I in our wedding attire (0/1)
- Print up my wedding day photos and put them in the album (1/1)
- Make my wedding day scrapbook (and “honeymoon" and so on) (1/1)
- Get and put anniversary pictures in the wedding album (1/1)
- AND add them to the scrapbook (1/1)
- Print up Family/Friends Photos and get them into albums (1/1)
- Organize the desktop computer (pictures, videos, text documents, defrag if needed and ect.) and keep it that way (1/1)
- Back up the desktop (1/1)
- Organize the laptop same as the desktop (1/1)
- Backup the laptop the same way (1/1)
- Get the laptop repaired (1/1)
Hobbies/Interests/Creativity (8)
- Make 10 abstract paintings (0/10) Make 5 abstract metal sculptures (0/5) I replaced this with Ceramics now
- Learn basic welding so I can make the metal sculptures (0/1) Went the Ceramic Route
- Learn to crochet Knit (1/1)
- Finish the stories I started in HS (0/5)
- Write 20 more poems (0/20) Play the keyboard better with technique and learn 10 new songs (0/10)
- Learn to read music at a beginning level for proper technique (1/1)
Weight Goals (6)
- Lose 10 lbs and keep going (to 180 lbs at this point) (0/1)
- Lose another 10 lbs and keep going (to 170 lbs at this point) (0/1)
- Lose 5 lbs and keep going (175 lbs at this point) (0/1)
- Lose another 5 lbs and keep going (160 lbs at this point) (0/1)
- Be 160 lbs-150 lbs and stay that way for 6 months (0/1)
- Be 150-155 lbs for 6 months
Fitness (4)
- Work out everyday for 100 days in a row (0/100)
- Buy a nice bike and use it for exercise 20 times (0/1) (0/20)
- Play Tennis for exercise 20 times (0/20)
- Play Volleyball for exercise 20 times (0/20)
Health (5)
- Take a vitamin everyday for 100 days in a row (0/100)
- Drink 8 glasses of water everyday for (One week/One month) (0/1) (0/1)
- Keep an HONEST food diary for a month (0/31)
- Go (One week/One month) without eating junk food (0/1) (0/1)
- Go One month without fast food (0/1)
Beauty (5)
- Do my nightly beauty routine for 60 days in a row (1/60)
- Do my morning beauty routine for 60 days in a row (1/60)
- Get my teeth to where I want them to be (Whitened, Implant, Braces, Crown, Bridge, ect) (0/1) (0/1) (0/1) (0/1) (0/1) No way this is going to happen soon. Its frivilous.
- Let my nails grow and stay long for (1 month/2 months) (0/1) (0/2) I have kept my nails very short now since ceramics started
- Let my hair grow to the middle of my back (0/1) (How far do I have left to go... read feed to find out!) and if you knew me, you know i chopped OFF my hair about a year ago to date (9/30/09)
Self-Improvement (5)
50. Speak confidently to a group of over 30 people (1/1) yay for english and history 1301 classes
- Wake up at 9am every day for (2 weeks/A month) (2/2) (1/1) (included in 100 day challenge) again, yay for classes!
- Go without swearing (One day/One week/One month) (1/1) (1/1) (0/1) I am too human to never swear for an entire month, so I'm done.
- Use eBay (1/1)
- Learn how to use Livejournal like everyone else does that uses this site a lot (1/1)
Education (8)
55. Relearn how to use Photoshop adequately (1/1)
56. Learn shorthand for speedy note taking (1/1)
- Learn Spanish (year one) (0/1)
- Start Spanish (year two) (0/1)
- Re-learn German (year one) (0/1)
- Re-learn German (year two) (0/1)
- Get one full year of credits towards Associates Degree in Business (0/1) HALFWAY DONE!!
- Get my Floral License (0/1)
Family/Friends (5)
- Have our first wedding anniversary party be a pseudo huge and fun event (1/1)
- Cook Christmas dinner (0/1) after hosting our anniversary party a year and a half ago, I have NO interest in do this, LOL!
- Take a family trip (0/1)
- Host a BBQ (1/1)
- Have our house warming party (1/1)
Life Experience (10)
68. Be in a play at the college (lone star) (0/1)
- Volunteer somewhere (daisy scouts, goodwill... something) (1/1) ceramic open lab assistant/empty bowls related
- Try a new food (1/1)
- Go to a masseuse (0/1)
- Catch a lightning bug (0/1)
- Go sky diving (with someone I know) (0/1)
- Play at least ONE game of paintball (0/1)
- Get my arm tattoo (0/1)
- Get “my” tattoo of Casey and I getting married (0/1)
- Go Rock Climbing (indoors) (0/1)
Travel (14)
78. Get a Passport (0/1)
- Go camping for a week (0/1)
- Go to Disneyland/Disneyworld (0/1)
- Go on a cruise with Casey (0/1)
- Go skiing/snowboarding at the Rocky Mountains in Colorado (0/1)
- Go to somewhere in Texas where there is desert (0/1)
- Visit my dads side of the family in Florida (0/1)
- Swim with the dolphins (0/1)
- Go to California with Casey to visit friends and have fun on our own (0/1)
- Go to Seattle with Casey to visit friends and have fun on our own (0/1)
- Go to Canada and Ice skate on a frozen pond/lake/river (whatever, natural ice) (0/1)
- Go to SXSW again (0/1)
- Go to a Film Festival (0/1)
- Go to Six Flags over Texas (and do that big swing thing) (0/1)
Financial (5)
- Save enough to get our emergency fund (6 months of bills/living expenses) (0/1)
- Raise my credit score (0/1)
- Make extra payment(s) to bring amount due to current value (at time) on the Magnum (0/1)
- Buy a house (save for it, and find it, then buy it) (0/1)
(And maybe buy the furniture to go in the house (bedroom set, living room set, ect.)
Pay It Forward (6)
- Donate to charity every year (1/1) (1/1) (1/1) The charity that is Chryslar Financial, and yes it is a charity, since they got a LOT of government money.
- Donate blood 6 times (0/6)
- Send a care package to a soldier (AnySolider or friend?) (0/1)
- Get two people to join mission101(with me) (0/2)
- Get two people to join 50bookchallenge(with me) (0/2)
- Get two people to join 100_snapshots(with me) (0/2)
100 days: Wednesday, June 11, 2008
200 days: Friday, September 19, 2008
300 days: Sunday, December 28, 2008
400 days: Tuesday, April 7, 2009
500 days: Thursday, July 16, 2009
600 days: Saturday, October 24, 2009
700 days: Monday, February 1, 2010
800 days: Wednesday, May 12, 2010
900 days: Friday, August 20, 2010
1000 days!: Saturday, November 27th, 2010
1001 days: Sunday, November 28th, 2010
Get your milestones calculated here.
Inspiration for your list with other lists here.