Dokuga Banners Notice and Other News

Dec 21, 2007 21:32

Since I've come home for the holidays I've been sharing the computer with my father. Work on the three nomination banners ("Best One-shot" "Best Drabble" and "Best Humor/Parody") are coming along unfortunately slower than I would have liked, but I should have all three done by tonight. So far "Best One-shot" is complete as is the outline for the other two.
In any case I am 'quite' pleased with them so even though I've worked an hour now with nothing to show-- yet, because I've been bumped off the computer just before the Photoshop document could be saved as a jpeg-- still, I am happy. ::sigh::
I agree with Nicole that having different banner-makers will make it even more fun to see the diversity of banners created. There may be some we like more than others-- true, but if anything it just might make them 'more' collectible. LOL.

I'll be posting all three banners together, however, instead of separately as I finish them, one: so they can be kept track of and two: so that they can be seen as a set. :o)

In case there are some that have still not heard the news, Nicole has started a new yahoo group, Dokuga Awards. Literally meaning "Poison Fang"Awards, this new community is Sesshoumaru/Kagome specific honoring all kinds of fanworks-- not just fiction. For more information check out the group using the link and contact Nicole, of course. The readers will both nominate and vote, but there will be no DQ's except in two categories (explained more in detail at the site). You 'do' need to be 18+ to join, however, as there will be adult content on the site.

Promotional banner by none other than Demonlordlover, a.k.a.

In other news, I finally did finish the next chapter for Behind Ancient Mists-- unfortunately it is not posted yet the computer I am currently using, since being temporarily booted, has only internet. Still, that's better than nothing. In the meantime, however, this seems like a very good time to work on some drabbles/one-shots. YAY! Silly me completely forgot her files for iy_no_kakera on her computer back at the college abode so that will have to wait until the first of the year. Alas.

Oh, and I almost forgot to thank/pimp the recent lovelies that have been gifted to me from crowskywalker and nicolemoore1981. Thank you-- thank you so very much you two!!! ::hugs::

Gift banner from nicolemoore1981! Isn't it adorable?

Gift icon from crowskywalker! It's Basil!

banners, musing

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