Aug 25, 2008 20:09
Hey, it's rather sad that most of my mates don't do LJ anymore but we're all on Facebook, which encourages shallow posting. I mean it's nice to get one jar of vegemite (I prefer promite) and send one flower, then after that it's downhill. People love applications but to respond you've got to sign up to something new. I don't work at a full time job and I don't have the time for this, so what's going on???
Oh, and I survive ok in life without being nudged, poked etc.
Anyway, for me the latest beef is (again) too many places on the net to make any one place worthwhile.
And reviews!!!! In the old days, Lizzie posted great reviews. I had a steady supply for my writers group. Now I have to write them myself. Average so far? One a year...
Ok, on a brighter note..... I supppose there are a few people I kind of like to be in touch with through facebook - I just wish they'd chosen LJ instead...