Feb 21, 2008 22:15
Oh, I so had to comment on this episode. Forget maturity, I just want to lash out against Henrickson, even if the whole thing is Bella's fault. I don't like her, but I appreciate her character in this season. Ruby's still cool until further notice.
You big meanie, Sam is not the "half-wit brother" and Dean is certainly not Hannibal...take the latter any which way you want, though.
"To see you in chains" / "You kinky son of a bitch - We don't swing that way." Dean, lol.
"Prison in Nevada" - I see another crossover. :singsong voice:
Oh hell no... Not about Papa Winchester! You going down Henrickson, for that comment.
Yay for Latin speaking!Sammy. Missed you.
Oh lord have mercy...the radios are out (and all forms of communication - and of course the eletricity)....random dead people and the helicopter done did blew up. My inner grammar nazi weeps
Well, for a redeeming quality, Henrickson has a good head on his shoulders.
...Nancy look familiar - have I seen the actor somewhere?
"How's the shoulder?" / "It's awesome."
Awe...I hope Nancy survives.
Sammy pulled a Daniel (Oops...referencing Stargate, again).
"Think that's because we're so aweome? I think that's because we're so awesome."
JESUS H CHRIST - Henrickson was possessed.
"I shot the sheriff." / "But you didn't shoot the deputy." Classic moment and so the "biggest I told you so ever"; meaning I like Herickson, now.
Creeepy with the posessed people outside the building. Speaking of which, many fantasy sci-fic programmes/movies are taking a page from SPN for supernatural special effects. Like Torchwood or the Spiderwick Chronicles, for example. /tangent
Snarky!Dean is love (especially with the adorable dimples)...so is Admonishing!Sam (when he looks at his brother).
Ruby. :squees:
O_o Where have I been? I didn't know about...Lilith.
"I'm sorry, I must have blood in my ear." Renewed Ruby love from me.
"I got virtue." / "Nice try, you're not a virgin." / "Nah, no way...you're kidding me. Wow." Dean's shock was hilarious.
Let me say, you shouldn't have lost the Colt. Idjots.
"Now, I'm not going to let that demon kill some nice, sweet, innocent girl - Who hasn't even been laid."
"I was going to kill myself to let you win. I'm not just going to stand here and watch you lose."
Was that the guy from "Early Edition" in there?
"When this is over, I want to have so much sex. But not with you."
Oh, I see the plan, now. Pretty creative. And more Sammy speaking Latin goodness. If only his voice was on the loudspeakers in the store.
"I'm going to kill you...Rest in peace, guys." Oh yeah, Henrickson is so cool, now.
Oh snap, she's Lillith? Oh my kami - what was that? Demon child (My biggest fears: Clowns, My Imagination, and Precocious Children and characters with white hair and red eyes) Sammy, where are your powers? Didn't you come back to life? I want my psyhic!Sam back.
I knew they were going to do that...people just don't stay alive in this show. Kripke did it just because I grew to like Henrickson, too.
And I'll say it, again: I still like Ruby. She's refreshingly cyncial. How Dean used to be (somewhat) and how Sam is nearly.
I'm going to go clean the kitchen now.
ETA: Because apparently, my spelling isn't up to par when I try to watch the telly and type.
fandom: supernatural,
episode commentaries