Forget about the boy

May 15, 2005 23:56

So on Friday, once again, I went to see Thoroughly Modern Milly. Me, Sara, Courtney, Antione, Anton, Nevada, Hilary and Edger all hung out after school. I had STARBUCKS! and too much sugar made me have a headache. and it was pamper Tracy day. hehe and last night was Cammie's {Jessie's sister} bat mitzvah. ahhh it was sooo much fun! I hung out with Jessie, Heather and Kelsey the whole night. Jessie and I walked into the bathroom barefooted but it felt soo clean! hehe and we got kicked out of private property, tried to find some 7th graders smoking weed. and our circle! lol soooo much fun!

some of these pictures I stol from Courtney. lol

Courntey, Sara and I had to take forever in the bathroom getting all prettied up. We got captured by whales and Hilary came in and saved us! took me FOREVER to eat ONLY 2 slices of pizza!

lol I dunno what Antione was trying to do.

bad pic of me, but I love these people.

I don't remember what I was doing here, but there's my sexy ass. lol I love that skirt!

courntey and Hilary running down the hall. ha! I took a picture of you Hilary!

Cammie's bat mitvah...

I seriuosly think that those socks with heels are the coolest thing ever!

Heather is copying Remy. hehe

hehe I love you Heather!

lol I love my face in here.

and I made coolio icons with lyrics from toroughly Modern Milly on them. damn I'm in love with a Hamilton Musical. lol
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