Aug 14, 2007 15:34
In about 20 minutes time, I will be going to the train station to meet a very good friend! This is amazing in 2 ways...
1, I'm going to the train station!! That's the other side of the town centre, a place that I have avoided like the plague for about a year. The station itself I have also been avoiding, it's taking a lot of courage to go there today, the place, the area and the people frighten me quite a bit.
2, I HAVE A STUART VISITING ME!! WOOOOOOO! *more happydancing*
He's coming all the way from Norwich to see me for 3 days, huzzah! I'm so excited, I've never managed to spend time with him outside of an LRP event, but we're really close friends and get on very well, we seem to understand each other on a level that normally people don't. I'm really looking forward to the next 3 days!
So lots of happy Felix today, and I'm off now to get ready to go!