Jul 27, 2002 11:12
ens, that's where I'm going today. FUCK, I'm so fucking pissed off right now, I was gonna go on a run with Colleen and hang out, maybe go to the community center and play basketball with her and Hannah, but my dad wakes me up to tell me we're hiking the whole day at Mt. St. Helens. And so I call Colleen to say I can't do anything, and find out she's leaving for a week and I won't see her, and then Jackie calls about the run or something too and SHE'S also going, and this just pisses me off cuz I could tell Colleen was really disappointed and I am too. My parents claim they've been "telling me all week," meaning they said it once last weekend, yet it wasn't on the calendar, and they're really smart... it's just whenever I dont write something on the calendar they're like "Michael then you couldn't have expected us to know." Even if I tell them a gajillion times. So god damnit I'm mad, I've already hardly seen Colleen and Jackie as it is and now they're gone for a week. This day can fuck itself in the ear.